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CSS <HR> With Ornament
原标题:CSS <HR> With Ornament
  • 时间:2012-01-14 12:56:32
  •  标签:
  • html
  • css


I am trying to achieve this:



So i sliced my PSD to drop out the ornament as a image - and i am trying to overlay this onto a

centered but failing miserably.


  <img src= assets/img/ornament.png  class= center >



height: 2px;
color: #578daf;
background-color: #578daf;


我只想说明如何使形象出现在人权的中心。 欢迎任何帮助或点人。


2. 改变标记编号

<div class= hr >
  <img src= assets/img/ornament.png  alt=  >


.hr {  text-align: center; }
.hr img { position: relative; top: -16px; }

然而,一种更好的做法是,只使用一个以<代码>div为核心的图像,该图像具有适当的背景形象,横向重复。 背景图像将与整个页面背景相同,但中线相同。


你们也可以用安全局的假件来做到这一点。 全部需要的是<代码><hr>。

hr:after { 
    background: url( yourimagehere.png ) no-repeat top center;
    content: "";
    display: block;
    height: 30px; /* height of the ornament */
    position: relative;
    top: -15px; /* half the height of the ornament */

http://jsfiddle.net/9EFdF/“rel=“nofollow”>this fiddle。 您可在<代码>div和ornament等栏目上确定矿石的图像。

off the cuff... using the center image for the hr and a repeated line segment for the div...

      .line hr {height: 16px; background: url(as_image.jpg) center center no-repeat;border:0;}
      .line {background: url(as_line.jpg) center repeat-x;}

    <div class="line"><hr></div>

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