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Can t Getice Approach Interception to Work
原标题:Can t Get Guice Method Interception to Work

我试图在Guice/OP联盟每次打上“Hello, AOP”电文时,就拦截了一种带有特定(tom)说明的方法。 我遵循了官方数字(见 - AOP 拦截在pg. 11上的障碍,不能让它去工作,只能汇编。


public @interface Validating {
    // Do nothing; used by Google Guice to intercept certain methods.


public class ValidatingModule implements com.google.inject.Module {
    public void configure(Binder binder) {
            new ValidatingMethodInterceptor()),


public class ValidatingMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
        System.out.println("Hello, AOP!");


public class AopTest {
    public int doSomething() {
        // do whatever

    public static main(String[] args) {
        AopTest test = new AopTest();

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ValidatingModule());

        System.out.println("About to use AOP...");


当我驾驶这一微薄的测试驱动力时,我获得的唯一光辉产出是<代码>。 供使用 <代码>Hello,AOP!从未得到执行,这意味着@ 定购单()方法从未被拦截。

The only thing I can think of is the fact that in my Module implementation I am specifying the MethodInterceptor to bind to (as the 3rd argument to the bindInterceptor method) as being a new ValidatingMethodInterceptor(), whereas in that interceptor, I am only defining a required invoke(MethodInvocation) method.

Perhaps I am not wiring these two together correctly? Perhaps Guice doesn t implicitly know that the invoke method should be ran when an intercept occurs?!?!

接着,我不仅跟着Guice docs,我也跟着其他几门辅导,没有结果。

Is there something obvious I am missing here? Thanks in advance!

Edit One other discrepancy between my code and the examples I followed, although small, is the fact that my invoke method (inside the interceptor) is not annotated with @Override. If I try to add this annotation, I get the following compile error:

认证方法 方法使用者必须超越超级方法。

这一错误是有道理的,因为org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor 是一个接口(不是一类)。 接着,使用Guice/AOP联盟的每一个例子都使用这个@。 Override annotation on the invoke methods, so this it clear work/compiles for some people...weird.



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