English 中文(简体)
原标题:Unexpected end of file error

我希望你能够帮助我,使我对正在发生的事情没有想法。 我在试图在我的项目中增加Beit加密图书馆时有以下错误:

fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add #include "stdafx.h" to your source?

实际上,我没有忘记在我的消息来源中添加“stdafx”。 汇编者指出这一错误将在该卷的末尾:


# include "config.h"

#include "beecrypt/c++/security/SecureRandom.h"
#include "beecrypt/c++/security/SecureRandomSpi.h"
#include "beecrypt/c++/security/Security.h"

using namespace beecrypt::security;

SecureRandom* SecureRandom::getInstance(const String& algorithm) throw       (NoSuchAlgorithmException)
Security::spi* tmp = Security::getSpi(algorithm, "SecureRandom");


SecureRandom* result = new SecureRandom(reinterpret_cast<SecureRandomSpi*>(tmp->cspi), tmp->prov, tmp->name);

delete tmp;

return result;

 SecureRandom* SecureRandom::getInstance(const String& type, const String& provider) throw (NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException)
Security::spi* tmp = Security::getSpi(type, "SecureRandom", provider);


SecureRandom* result = new SecureRandom(reinterpret_cast<SecureRandomSpi*>(tmp->cspi), tmp->prov, tmp->name);

delete tmp;

return result;

   SecureRandom* SecureRandom::getInstance(const String& type, const Provider& provider) throw (NoSuchAlgorithmException)
Security::spi* tmp = Security::getSpi(type, "SecureRandom", provider);


SecureRandom* result = new SecureRandom(reinterpret_cast<SecureRandomSpi*>(tmp->cspi), tmp->prov, tmp->name);

delete tmp;

return result;

  void SecureRandom::getSeed(byte* data, int size)
entropyGatherNext(data, size);

Security::spi* tmp = Security::getFirstSpi("SecureRandom");

assert(dynamic_cast<SecureRandomSpi*>((SecureRandomSpi*) tmp->cspi));

_rspi = (SecureRandomSpi*) tmp->cspi;
_type = tmp->name;
_prov = tmp->prov;

delete tmp;

  SecureRandom::SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi* rspi, const Provider* provider, const String& type)
_rspi = rspi;
_prov = provider;
_type = type;

delete _rspi;

void SecureRandom::generateSeed(byte* data, int size)
_rspi->engineGenerateSeed(data, size);

 void SecureRandom::setSeed(const byte* data, int size)
_rspi->engineSetSeed(data, size);

  void SecureRandom::nextBytes(byte* data, int size)
_rspi->engineNextBytes(data, size);

 const String& SecureRandom::getType() const throw ()
return _type;

  const Provider& SecureRandom::getProvider() const throw ()
return *_prov;

and here is h file:


#include "beecrypt/beecrypt.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus

#include "beecrypt/c++/security/SecureRandomSpi.h"
using beecrypt::security::SecureRandomSpi;
#include "beecrypt/c++/security/Provider.h"
using beecrypt::security::Provider;
#include "beecrypt/c++/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException.h"
using beecrypt::security::NoSuchAlgorithmException;
#include "beecrypt/c++/security/NoSuchProviderException.h"
using beecrypt::security::NoSuchProviderException;

 namespace beecrypt {
namespace security {
    /*!ingroup CXX_SECURITY_m
    class BEECRYPTCXXAPI SecureRandom : public Object
        static SecureRandom* getInstance(const String& type)    throw (NoSuchAlgorithmException);
        static SecureRandom* getInstance(const String& type,    const String& provider) throw (NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException);
        static SecureRandom* getInstance(const String& type,   const Provider& provider) throw (NoSuchAlgorithmException);

        static void getSeed(byte*, int);

        SecureRandomSpi* _rspi;
        const Provider*  _prov;
        String           _type;

        SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi* spi, const Provider*   provider, const String& type);

        virtual ~SecureRandom();

        void generateSeed(byte*, int);
        void nextBytes(byte*, int);
        void setSeed(const byte*, int);

        const String& getType() const throw ();
        const Provider& getProvider() const throw ();





戈托解决方案 探索者(如果不使用菜单,即可明显可见:观点与格;SolutionExplorer)。

在溶液树中填入了你.cxx文档,右上点击,并从烟菜中选择“财富”。 您的档案馆藏有窗户。

在左边使用树木,进入“C++/Precompiled Headers”部分。 在窗户右边,有三处房屋。 1. 设定“使用预设负责人”价值的财产。

If you do not use precompiled headers in your project, set the Create/Use Precompiled Header property of source files to Not Using Precompiled Headers. To set this compiler option, follow these steps:

  • In the Solution Explorer pane of the project, right-click the project name, and then click Properties.
  • In the left pane, click the C/C++ folder.
  • Click the Precompiled Headers node.
  • In the right pane, click Create/Use Precompiled Header, and then click Not Using Precompiled Headers.

You did forget to include stdafx.h in your source (as I cannot see it your code). If you didn t, then make sure #include "stdafx.h" is the first line in your .cpp file, otherwise you will see the same error even if you ve included "stdafx.h" in your source file (but not in the very beginning of the file).

我也谈到这一错误,但还有一份<编码>。 固定装置将进入文件Properties(通过解决方案探索者文档 popup menu),并正确地确定档案类型。 定在<代码>C/C++ Compiler上,而不是正确的<代码>C/C++负责人。

The line #include "stdafx.h" must be the first line at the top of each source file, before any other header files are included.

If what you ve shown is the entire .cxx file, then you did forget to include stdafx.h in that file.

I encountered that error when I forgot to uncheck the Precompiled header from the additional options in the wizard after naming a new Win32 console application.

由于我不需要打耳光图书馆,我去了图书馆,去了Project/strong> menu,然后点击Properties。 财产或只是新闻 Alt + F7。 关于下岗表,选取所有组合。 下面是树冠,点击Configuration Property,然后C/C++。 关于右板,选择Create/Use Precompiled Header,并选择 不使用预先设计的负责人

Change the Platform of your C++ project to "x64" (or whichever platform you are targeting) instead of "Win32". This can be found in Visual Studio under Build -> Configuration Manager. Find your project in the list and change the Platform column. Don t forget to do this for all solution configurations.

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