English 中文(简体)
原标题:Rules matching given an input (algorithm)


animal: any, cat, dog
color: any, white, black, gray
gender: any, male, female


category: <array of values>

(1) 让我说,我有一套可预见的规则,例如:

when animal is any, color is gray, gender is male, call x
when animal is dog, color is gray, gender is male, call y
when animal is any, color is any, gender is any, call z

(2) And some input values.

Q. 是否有算法根据所提供的投入解决寻找匹配规则的问题(优先采用最具体的规则)?

页: 1

input (animal:dog, color:gray, gender:male)


页: 1

input (color:gray, gender:female)




- any animal
  - any color
    - any gender => z
  - gray
     - male => x
- dog
  - gray
     - male => y





  1. Create the decision tree in normal way with any as edges using all the rules
  2. 反之,重复价值和任何数值,并跟踪每一解决办法中的任何数字,但至少应将其退回。

    def traverse(values, level, tree,anyCount): If tree is is a leaf: return (appr_func, anyCount)

    v1 = None
    if values[level] in tree:
        v1 = traverse(values, level+1, tree[values[level]]], anyCount)
    v2 = None
    if  any  in tree:
        v2 = traverse(values, level+1, tree[ any ], anyCount+1)
    if v1!=None:
        if v2!=None:
            if v1[1]<v2[1]:
                return v1
                return v2
            return v1
    elif v2!=None:
        return v2
        return None


map[hash(animal, color, gender)] = function to call

call map[hash(inputanimal, inputcolor, inputgender)]



if map.contains(hash(inAnimal, inColour, inGender)) 
   x = map[hash(inAnimal, inColour, inGender)]
   x = map[hash(any, any, any)]


该散射功能接受一系列价值观。 当你试图遵守规则时,你首先要投入,然后先后向大家转手,直到你找到一个匹配点。

def key hash(array[])


A. 决 定

input[] = {inAnimal, inColour, inGender}
function x
for(i = 0 to input.size) {
   if(map.contains(hash(input)) {
      x = map[hash(input)]
   input[i] = any
call x

正确的答案取决于你希望怎样获得。 Reteetic。 谷歌“专家系统”。 我在拥有规则评价制度的大公司工作,但他们没有在内部书写,他们购买一揽子商业计划。

如果你的需求简单,那么每一级就有一个搜索树。 如果申请只有具体项目和一个一般的“任何”项目,则将予以罚款。 如果具有多个层次的通用性(“mammal”、“vertebrate”、“animal”),则会变得更加困难。

如果速度是一个问题,但记忆的使用不是问题,那么你也可以尝试表象方法。 单薄的每一条目都是高价值。 在最高层层,关键是“dog”、“cat”、“any”等最高级类别。 价值是另一个可笑的。 在二级表层中,关键是颜色,其价值是另一个 has。 因此。 最深层的表层包括功能点、关闭或主动使用你的节目语言提供的任何方法。

I would first give all variables a unique value (array position)

Animal: any = 0; cat = 1; dog = 2
Gender: any = 0; male = 1; female = 2
Color : any = 0; white = 1; black = 2; gray = 3;


             Animal-|        ANY        |       cat         |       dog         |       
             Gender-| any | male |female| any | male |female| any | male |female| 
      Color-any     |  0  |   1  |   2  |  3  |   4  |   5  |  6  |   7  |   8  |
            white   |  9  |  10  |  11  | 12  |  13  |  14  | 15  |  16  |  17  |
            black   | 18  |  19  |  20  | 21  |  22  |  23  | 24  |  25  |  26  |   
            gray    | 27  |  28  |  29  | 30  |  32  |  33  | 34  |  35  |  36  |


(Animal * number of animals) + Gender + (Color * number of animals * number of sexes)

or in the case of: animal is any, (0) color is gray, (3) gender is male, (1)

(Animal * number of animals) + Sex + (Color * number of animals * number of sexes)
(   0   *        3         ) +  1  + (  3   *        3          *        3       )  

(0 * 3) + 1 + (3 * 3 * 3)  
   0    + 1 +      27       = 28 (the lookup value from the grid above)

28 means call X.


Calculate you value Compare that value against known cases

if Value in (1,2,8,13,14,15,21,28)    then X
if value in (3,4,5,23,24,26,34,35,36) then Y
if value in (0,9,12,16,17,22,25)      then Z


You can nearly directly translate this into scala code.

理论上,你将使用动物、动物、动物、 Dog子、大鼠,但为了与你一样,我在此离开了公约的道路:

abstract sealed class animal () {}
 object cat extends animal () {}
 object dog extends animal {}

abstract sealed class color () {}
 object white extends color {}
 object black extends color {}
 object gray  extends color {}

abstract sealed case class gender () {}
 object male   extends gender {}
 object female extends gender {}

def input (a: Option[animal], c: Option[color], g: Option[gender]) = (a, c, g) match {
  case (Some (dog), Some (gray), Some (male)) => println ("y called without freedom")
  case (_,          Some (gray), Some (male)) => println ("x called with animal" + a)
  case (_,          _,           _          ) => println ("z called with anmimal: " + a + "	color: " + c + "	gender: " + g)

input (Some (dog), Some (gray), Some (male))
input (None,       Some (gray), Some (female))


y called without freedom
x called with animal: None

You have to take care on the sorting in the input -Method. Specific methods have to come before unspecific ones.


(a, c, _)
(_, c, g)
(a, _, g) 

do all have 1 open case. If there is nothing else, (a, c, g) could match any of them, but will only match the first one.


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