English 中文(简体)
原标题:On the fly keyword highlighting
  • 时间:2012-01-14 15:56:08
  •  标签:
  • php
  • html
  • css

I have a PHP search script and I want to highlight the keywords that the user has searched with tags. How can I do this?

My code is:

if(!empty($_GET[ q ])){
$keywords=explode(   ,$_GET[ q ]);
foreach($keywords as $query){
$likes[]="keywords LIKE  %{$query}% ";

$searchResult=mysql_query("select * from questions where ".implode( or  ,$likes)."limit 1");
    $results="<div class= webresult >{$row[ result ]}</div>";

If $row[ result ] does not contain html, you can do a string replace: replace all keywords in the result with <span class="highlight">keyword</span>


while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) {
  $res = $row[ result ];
  foreach($keywords as $kw) {
    $res = str_replace($kw,  <span class="highlight">  . htmlspecialchars($kw) .  </span> , $res);
  $results="<div class= webresult >{$res}</div>";


  1. 如果结果可能含有超文本,则使用前言。 参看 查询中的多重关键词

  2. If it can contain HTML, then you will need to use a DOM parser to separate text from HTML. Example parsers include Simple HTML Dom and DOMDocument.

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