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iphone 。 表1 主计长
原标题:iphone . getter of a tableViewController



myTVC *myTable;


@property (nonatomic, retain) myTVC *myTable;

then, on .m I have synthesized it 以及 created a getter

@synthesize myTable = _myTable;


- (myTVC *) myTable {

    if (_myTable == nil) { 
        _myTable = [[myTVC alloc] init];
    return _myTable;


[self presentModalViewController:myTable animated:YES];
[myTable release];

as far as I thought, myTable s getter would run at this point 以及 allocate the tableViewController, but it is not running 以及 the app crashes telling me that I am trying to present a nil tableViewController...

我失踪了什么? 感谢。


页: 1 如果您有<条码>,可打<>。 不是储存的,因为你正在这样做:@synthesize myTable=_myTable;,其中将创设一个iVar 电话_myTable

So you are doing 2 wrongs things in here.
To correct your code do the following :
remove this line : myTVC *myTable;
and do [self presentModalViewController:self.myTable animated:YES];


[self presentModalViewController:myTable animated:YES];
[myTable release];  // <---- this line, remove it to


and a 4th By the way
The default initializer for a UIViewController is the following

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundle

页: 1 如果你没有东西可以去。



[self presentModalViewController:myTable animated:YES];
[myTable release];

You re not actually calling the myTable method. Do

self.myTable = [self myTable]

首先。 虽然我看不出为什么你们需要一种可观的方法,而不是仅仅做一刀切的事情。

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