English 中文(简体)
• 如何让一个圈子走 can路?
原标题:How to have a circle follow path in canvas?

我希望用户能够点击Sevas的3个点,为每个被点击的地点形成2个线段,每个带3个圈子。 当用户点击一个 but子时,一个红色圈子在用户点击的第一圈子上显示,然后沿着用户走的道路。 在进入第二圈并最终进入最后一圈时,某些形式的警惕一旦到达了这些点。


I am not going to make all of this for you. However, here is a starting point

1) Make sure you can capture mouse events in the canvas. This question will get you started Html5 canvas and jquery

2) 理解你正在讨论的问题。 你们需要这样的数据结构:

    a : {x : None, y : None},
    b : {x : None, y : None},
    c : {x : None, y : None}  

3) Everytime the user clicks, update a, then b, then c. When you get to c, use trigonometry to animate the line being drawn. This can be done with setTimeout or setInterval



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