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贺电/博客 Thin
原标题:Message/logging from Thin

我如何阻止Rack。 从回归的初始信息来看,有以下类型?

>> Thin web server (v1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> istening on, CTRL+C to stop


Rack::Handler::Thin.run(Rack::Builder.new do
    map("/") do
            h = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(env["QUERY_STRING"])
            [200, {},[routine_to_generate_dynamic_content(h)]]
end, Port: 3000)

看像最初的信息来自。 Thin。 根据其第331期,,所有伐木。 Thin: Carloging.silent = real before the other of the Code to silence the initial information.

然而,这也将保持Thin适应者的所有其它信息。 来文方说,这些其他信息也将保持沉默:

  • Waiting for n connection(s) to finish, can take up to n sec, CTRL+C to stop now
  • Stopping ...
  • !! Ruby 1.8.5 is not secure please install cgi_multipart_eof_fix:
       gem install cgi_multipart_eof_fix

Hope this helps!

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