http://tablesorter.com/docs/“rel=“nofollow” 表格。
In the jsfiddle, there are two columns (Colors and Animals) that begin in an unsorted state. When you click on "Colors", it sorts by that column in ascending order (Blue, Green, etc...). If you then click on "Animals", it sorts by that column also in ascending order (Aardvark, Dolphin, etc...). If you then click on "Colors" a second time, it sorts it in descending order (Red, Purple, etc...).
这似乎是反动的。 我期望,只有在你在一栏和一栏上点击时,我们才会把它引向 as。 在“different一栏下打字时,应始终如一地按排入顺序排列该栏,而不论哪个国家。
Is there a setting in jQuery tablesorter (or some hack) to make it work like this?