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续会 Id on ajaxxml httprequest using jquery
原标题:Re-using jsessionId on ajax xmlhttprequest using jquery

• 我怎么能够发出“jquery ajax”(例如xml/httprequest)电话,以维护会议设计(例如,寄送已经在浏览器炉 co中的jsessionID co)。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我们的背景:

  • Two java based web applications
  • SSO mechanism logs User into both applications (i.e. has session 101 with application A and session 202 with application B)
  • Application "A" uses javascript (jquery) to make rest calls to the Application B
  • Application B implemented rest API in Java jersey (fwiw)
  • All GET s and "old-school form POSTS" from Application A to B connect to the same session #202 on "session B"
  • XmlHttpRequests (e.g. jquery ajax() calls) do not re-use session #202. Each XmlHttpRequest get a new session

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 为什么举行新会议?

其原因:XmlHttpRequest没有通过任何 co子来应用B. Servlet集装箱套在厨师中的垃圾。 服务器没有获得jsessionid

相比之下,JSONP电话(动态生成和提炼;字母弧=http://server/b/page.x”>do通过 co。

The questions

  • What s the easiest way to get ajax xmlhttprequest calls to pass session id (cookies) to the target application ?
  • Any good references on ajax, cookie, xmlhttprequest, and REST?
  • Can anyone recommend reading on REST API design and authentication?

Web Sessions, State, and Authentication


This is the first iteration and we were close to getting things "up and running". This worked fine with JSONP, but XmlHttpRequest posts failed.

thanks in advance



由此可见,通过xmlhttprequest/ajax交叉站存在固有的安全问题和工作环境。 例如,如果你增加特别头盔,就不会通过XmlHttpRequest的 co。 那么,德国航天公司会向服务器进行飞行前检查(即:http://OPTIONS打上电话),看看看“这ok吗? 您的服务器需要回答“OPTIONS”电话,说“它 s......”,然后用 fire子做“职务”。

IE and Firefox solve these problem differently (i.e. a bit like javascript circa 1998). I don t konw what IE does, but having lived through 1998, we don t want to really go down that road if at all possible.

We coded a workaround.

None of our team knew this when we started coding. (i.e. "jsonp worked great in the prototype; everything else should also")

References: How Mozilla addresses this problem (http headers and preflight checks) https://developer.mozilla.org/En/HTTP_access_control

Cross Origin Resource Sharing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-Origin_Resource_Sharing


你们也可以通过部署国家代理人来解决这一问题。 d 必须在两处安装。 之后,你以会议为基础的电话将代表 calls笑,并将边远会议数据储存到你的地方代理会议。

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