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宽度和推荐性轻度 j(或 p)网络应用框架是什么? [闭门]
原标题:what s the popular and recommendatory lightweight java(or python?) web application framework? [closed]

问我们 提议或找到一种工具、图书馆或偏袒场外资源的问题,在Stack Overflow,因为它们往往吸引有意见的答复和垃圾邮件。 相反, 问题以及迄今为止为解决这一问题所做的工作。

Closed 10 years ago.


  1. have a simple webgui for administrator to operate;
  2. have interface to invoke background existing modules for functionality implement, let s assume it has shell invoke interface firstly, it is not clear yet.

因此,我的问题是,我们是否有任何宽广和建议的轻度 j网应用框架? 我的一位候选人是小船,我们是否拥有建议性的小船?


thanks, Emre


Spring MVC 3 is in my experience the

  • most flexible
  • extensible and
  • speedy web framework around


Another Java lightweight MVC frameworks is Wicket.

<>Stripes Framework

  • Lightweight
  • Action based
  • Convention over configuration approach
  • No XML
  • Smart and fun to use
  • Much positive feedback (search on SO)

奇怪的是,在上述名单上没有发现强者? 这是否过于沉重?

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