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原标题:Which javascript loading option would have the most negligible effect on page load time?



<script src="www.website.com/javascripts/application.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

but it would need to evaluate all of the javascript before fully loading the page.


<script type="text/javascript>
  var script = document.createElement( script );
  script.setAttribute( type ,  text/javascript );
  script.setAttribute( src ,  www.website.com/javascripts/application.js );
  document.getElementsByTagName( head ).appendChild(script);

这是否会使页数时间发生变化? 它是否像往常一样装上 j子档案?


<script src="www.website.com/javascripts/dynamic_loader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


什么是最佳选择,为什么? 是否有更好的办法装载我不知道的第三方java描述?


Your second option will load the script asynchronously and the page can display before the script has loaded. This can be an advantage if you re optimizing for page display time and no page initialization scripts need to use your script. This can be a disadvantage (and won t speed the overall page load up) if everything else just has to wait for your script to load before the page can be fully populated.

So, it really depends upon what the script does. A perfect example of something that can be successfully loaded asynchronously is Google Analytics because it s 100% stand-alone. Nothing else on the page depends upon it. When exactly it loads doesn t matter at all in relation to the page display.

可能真正从装货中获利的一个实例是,在显示初始内容或具有附属文字的文字方面发挥不可或缺的作用,这些文字在显示初步内容方面发挥着不可或缺的作用。 既然在装上任何载荷之前,你可以看看一看内容,那么,这确实无助于使事情成为一 load。


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