i) 必须在执行部分将行李分解为零:
see the first results: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/842/viewactivitylogstreamdi.jpg/ well i have to do more...
I also had the same problem and it was solved by disabling CSS Optimizaition. checked all my CSS under /profiles/drupalcommons/themes, and all are UTF-8. Hi give this a try, you might find an answer http://drupal.org/node/445462 It seems to indicate I found the solution. You just have to convert all your css files in unix/utf8 and it s done. Hope it helps
hello dearuser - 好一天! 除了破产人的一些想法外,还有一个新的主题,[因为旧的基本内容可能有一些问题,而我已经找到了可以形成环境和组合的概况。
如今,我发现如何看到一些超重问题——并向前迈出了一大步——现在就在“观点”活动中消失了。 活动记录:。 在这里,我可以改变位置! 而我却想说,我怎么说!
This view can be generated with this setup - site: http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/edit/activity_log_stream#views-tab-page_2 Now i am happy to see some overview on a site where i can make some adjustments and configurations: see Home » Administer » Site building » Views: Here i seem to be able to Edit view activity_log_stream
http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/edit/activity_log_stream View activity_log_stream, displaying items of type Activity Log.
But i must say that i need some recomondations to figure out how to get some styles on to the page. Do you have some recommodations i love to hear from you many many greetings
btw: you can have the admin login just let me know just contact me...
我试图出口数据:说明:。 档案无法建立。
see http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/export/activity_log_stream
$view = new view;
$view->name = activity_log_stream ;
$view->description = Displays activity streams. ;
$view->tag = ;
$view->view_php = ;
$view->base_table = activity_log_messages ;
$view->is_cacheable = FALSE;
$view->api_version = 2;
$view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
$handler = $view->new_display( default , Defaults , default );
$handler->override_option( fields , array(
message => array(
label => ,
alter => array(
alter_text => 0,
text => ,
make_link => 0,
path => ,
link_class => ,
alt => ,
prefix => ,
suffix => ,
target => ,
help => ,
trim => 0,
max_length => ,
word_boundary => 1,
ellipsis => 1,
html => 0,
strip_tags => 0,
empty => ,
hide_empty => 0,
empty_zero => 0,
exclude => 0,
id => message ,
table => activity_log_messages ,
field => message ,
relationship => none ,
$handler->override_option( sorts , array(
last_updated => array(
order => DESC ,
granularity => second ,
id => last_updated ,
table => activity_log_messages ,
field => last_updated ,
relationship => none ,
$handler->override_option( arguments , array(
stream_owner_type => array(
default_action => ignore ,
style_plugin => default_summary ,
style_options => array(),
wildcard => all ,
wildcard_substitution => All ,
title => ,
breadcrumb => ,
default_argument_type => activity_log_default_stream_owner_type ,
default_argument => ,
validate_type => activity_log_validate_stream_owner_type ,
validate_fail => not found ,
glossary => 0,
limit => 0 ,
case => none ,
path_case => none ,
transform_dash => 0,
id => stream_owner_type ,
table => activity_log_messages ,
field => stream_owner_type ,
validate_user_argument_type => uid ,
validate_user_roles => array(
2 => 0,
relationship => none ,
default_options_div_prefix => ,
default_argument_fixed => ,
default_argument_user => 0,
default_argument_activity_log_stream_owner_type => user ,
default_argument_php => ,
validate_argument_node_type => array(
page => 0,
validate_argument_node_access => 0,
validate_argument_nid_type => nid ,
validate_argument_vocabulary => array(
1 => 0,
validate_argument_type => tid ,
validate_argument_transform => 0,
validate_user_restrict_roles => 0,
validate_argument_php => ,
stream_owner_id => array(
default_action => ignore ,
style_plugin => default_summary ,
style_options => array(),
wildcard => all ,
wildcard_substitution => All ,
title => ,
breadcrumb => ,
default_argument_type => current_user ,
default_argument => ,
validate_type => none ,
validate_fail => not found ,
break_phrase => 0,
not => 0,
include => array(
og => 0,
ur => 0,
id => stream_owner_id ,
table => activity_log_messages ,
field => stream_owner_id ,
validate_user_argument_type => uid ,
validate_user_roles => array(
2 => 0,
relationship => none ,
default_options_div_prefix => ,
default_argument_fixed => ,
default_argument_user => 0,
default_argument_activity_log_stream_owner_type => user ,
default_argument_php => ,
validate_argument_node_type => array(
page => 0,
validate_argument_node_access => 0,
validate_argument_nid_type => nid ,
validate_argument_vocabulary => array(
1 => 0,
validate_argument_type => tid ,
validate_argument_transform => 0,
validate_user_restrict_roles => 0,
validate_argument_php => ,
$handler->override_option( filters , array(
display_type => array(
operator => = ,
value => web ,
group => 0 ,
exposed => FALSE,
expose => array(
operator => FALSE,
label => ,
id => display_type ,
table => activity_log_templates ,
field => display_type ,
relationship => none ,
$handler->override_option( access , array(
type => perm ,
perm => view all activity messages ,
$handler->override_option( cache , array(
type => none ,
$handler->override_option( empty , There are no visible status updates. );
$handler->override_option( empty_format , 1 );
$handler->override_option( use_ajax , TRUE);
$handler->override_option( items_per_page , 20);
$handler->override_option( use_pager , 1 );
$handler = $view->new_display( page , Page , page_1 );
$handler->override_option( path , activities );
$handler->override_option( menu , array(
type => normal ,
title => Activity stream ,
description => Displays activity streams. ,
weight => 0 ,
name => navigation ,
$handler->override_option( tab_options , array(
type => none ,
title => ,
description => ,
weight => 0,
name => navigation ,
$handler = $view->new_display( page , Page , page_2 );
$handler->override_option( path , );
$handler->override_option( menu , array(
type => none ,
title => ,
description => ,
weight => 0,
name => navigation ,
$handler->override_option( tab_options , array(
type => none ,
title => ,
description => ,
weight => 0,
name => navigation ,
<>strong>by the way - i notesd that the following table are not being produced in the new facilities.
well at the moment i still try to find out what is missing - which issues caused the serious lack of style. generally spoken: as for being confronted with the site still remaining the same - after the hard core changes[of last night due to my server-admin while chhanging the chown and chmod of the whole site], i am musing about all the tiny things and changes i did last week: i will try to go through all tiny changes i made
i will check all the site-administration-adjustments tonight: i had some corrections and tests done last week accordingly some hints: "This is due that by install in the performance administrative section ( admin/settings/performance ) you have on Bandwidth optimizations the option "OPTIMIZE CSS FILES" and "OPTIMIZE JAVASCRIPT FILES" enabled. This settings are normally very usefully for production(live) sites- i did this for testing and customize the Drupal Commons install cuz i thougth that it s better to disable as to have CSS and JS development support with tools like "Firebug" using Firefox."
<>strong> 过去24小时做了些什么:相应地考虑了所有建议和建议的改动。
Bon Espresso
Siwei Shen
Shaun Dychko
My Server-admin made some changes for /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/ For all files/folders the permission-/ownership-settings were set to
owner vhost:www
664 for files and 2775 for the folders)
php_admin_value open_basedir
php_admin_value max_execution_time 360
php_flag session.auto_start off
php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass
php_flag mbstring.encoding_translation off
php_admin_value memory_limit 128M
php_admin_value max_input_time 360
php_admin_value post_max_size 16M
php_admin_flag safe_mode_gid off
php_admin_flag safe_mode off
but the site does not look different at the moment. All is still stylefree: [note: due to some advices from last week i have set in admin settings the css & js settings to a special mode to a somewhat called off-mode]. Guess that i can do some corrections here too]
看来,光灯和眼镜没有变化。 认为这并不奇怪,因为在安装期间没有正确的许可——因此,我不得不在有正确许可的情况下做安装的猜测——那么,所有的人都将享有权利!
页: 1
Drupal Commons 网站安装后没有风格:它像www.campus-24.com。
update: thanks to Siwei Shen that asks below for the permission on the specified paths - eg as the "www-data" user. Well i guess that i am not able to read the css-folder. No - i am not since all of the below mentined folders are owned by the wwwrun-user
But the folders contain files - that are owned by the vhost-user. But wait: i guess that i have copied the files into the folders afterwards (sorry sorry i cannot remember this exact story any more) i tried everything i coud do. Guessing that i also did a try to copy the files into the folder. But the most interesting thing to me is - that the folders are owned by the wwwrun-user. What do you think!?
- default-user.png
- default-group.png
During the install i noticed warnings about - too many files open.
i 听说“cs_1acaad3d96ebad99fc9b6ef9d4ee4.cs”案:这是一个自动生成的文档,压缩了用于提高速度和避免超负荷运行的所有CSS风格。 如果这一档案在我手里错了,那么我的网站(!!) 是否像上面的男人点一样?
Note the original htaccess was changed by my server-admin. But i guess that i (
and that means the site-admin [my friend] miss (and have forgotten a important option] see the htacess that we use actually - it is a hacked one: see it here
无照片,无 c。 是否有任何权利或许可问题?
see the error reporting http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/settings/error-reporting
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Error reporting
The configuration options have been saved.
warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/modules/system/system.module on line 1020.
warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
http://pastebin.de/22378“rel=“noreferer” http://pastebin.de/22378 。
on the site http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/help/dblog - i have the dblog-log-info What is the output of "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr"?
Type php
Date Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User martin
Location http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity error
Type php
Date Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User martin
Location http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity error
Type php
Date Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User martin
Location http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_map() [<a href= function.array-map >function.array-map</a>]: Argument #2 should be an array in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/modules/system/system.module on line 1020.
Severity error
Type php
Date Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User martin
Location http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity error
猜测一些微小事情缺失——如上所述: i 报告所有调查结果。