English 中文(简体)
离层共同点在安装后没有作风——在所有地方都存在错误和 files。
原标题:Drupal Commons site has no style after install - missin js and css files at all



i) 必须在执行部分将行李分解为零:

see the first results: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/842/viewactivitylogstreamdi.jpg/ well i have to do more...


I also had the same problem and it was solved by disabling CSS Optimizaition. checked all my CSS under /profiles/drupalcommons/themes, and all are UTF-8. Hi give this a try, you might find an answer http://drupal.org/node/445462 It seems to indicate I found the solution. You just have to convert all your css files in unix/utf8 and it s done. Hope it helps


hello dearuser - 好一天! 除了破产人的一些想法外,还有一个新的主题,[因为旧的基本内容可能有一些问题,而我已经找到了可以形成环境和组合的概况。

如今,我发现如何看到一些超重问题——并向前迈出了一大步——现在就在“观点”活动中消失了。 活动记录:。 在这里,我可以改变位置! 而我却想说,我怎么说!

This view can be generated with this setup - site: http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/edit/activity_log_stream#views-tab-page_2 Now i am happy to see some overview on a site where i can make some adjustments and configurations: see Home » Administer » Site building » Views: Here i seem to be able to Edit view activity_log_stream

http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/edit/activity_log_stream View activity_log_stream, displaying items of type Activity Log.

But i must say that i need some recomondations to figure out how to get some styles on to the page. Do you have some recommodations i love to hear from you many many greetings

btw: you can have the admin login just let me know just contact me...

我试图出口数据:说明:。 档案无法建立。

see http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/build/views/export/activity_log_stream

$view = new view;
$view->name =  activity_log_stream ;
$view->description =  Displays activity streams. ;
$view->tag =   ;
$view->view_php =   ;
$view->base_table =  activity_log_messages ;
$view->is_cacheable = FALSE;
$view->api_version = 2;
$view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
$handler = $view->new_display( default ,  Defaults ,  default );
$handler->override_option( fields , array(
   message  => array(
     label  =>   ,
     alter  => array(
       alter_text  => 0,
       text  =>   ,
       make_link  => 0,
       path  =>   ,
       link_class  =>   ,
       alt  =>   ,
       prefix  =>   ,
       suffix  =>   ,
       target  =>   ,
       help  =>   ,
       trim  => 0,
       max_length  =>   ,
       word_boundary  => 1,
       ellipsis  => 1,
       html  => 0,
       strip_tags  => 0,
     empty  =>   ,
     hide_empty  => 0,
     empty_zero  => 0,
     exclude  => 0,
     id  =>  message ,
     table  =>  activity_log_messages ,
     field  =>  message ,
     relationship  =>  none ,
$handler->override_option( sorts , array(
   last_updated  => array(
     order  =>  DESC ,
     granularity  =>  second ,
     id  =>  last_updated ,
     table  =>  activity_log_messages ,
     field  =>  last_updated ,
     relationship  =>  none ,
$handler->override_option( arguments , array(
   stream_owner_type  => array(
     default_action  =>  ignore ,
     style_plugin  =>  default_summary ,
     style_options  => array(),
     wildcard  =>  all ,
     wildcard_substitution  =>  All ,
     title  =>   ,
     breadcrumb  =>   ,
     default_argument_type  =>  activity_log_default_stream_owner_type ,
     default_argument  =>   ,
     validate_type  =>  activity_log_validate_stream_owner_type ,
     validate_fail  =>  not found ,
     glossary  => 0,
     limit  =>  0 ,
     case  =>  none ,
     path_case  =>  none ,
     transform_dash  => 0,
     id  =>  stream_owner_type ,
     table  =>  activity_log_messages ,
     field  =>  stream_owner_type ,
     validate_user_argument_type  =>  uid ,
     validate_user_roles  => array(
       2  => 0,
     relationship  =>  none ,
     default_options_div_prefix  =>   ,
     default_argument_fixed  =>   ,
     default_argument_user  => 0,
     default_argument_activity_log_stream_owner_type  =>  user ,
     default_argument_php  =>   ,
     validate_argument_node_type  => array(
       page  => 0,
     validate_argument_node_access  => 0,
     validate_argument_nid_type  =>  nid ,
     validate_argument_vocabulary  => array(
       1  => 0,
     validate_argument_type  =>  tid ,
     validate_argument_transform  => 0,
     validate_user_restrict_roles  => 0,
     validate_argument_php  =>   ,
   stream_owner_id  => array(
     default_action  =>  ignore ,
     style_plugin  =>  default_summary ,
     style_options  => array(),
     wildcard  =>  all ,
     wildcard_substitution  =>  All ,
     title  =>   ,
     breadcrumb  =>   ,
     default_argument_type  =>  current_user ,
     default_argument  =>   ,
     validate_type  =>  none ,
     validate_fail  =>  not found ,
     break_phrase  => 0,
     not  => 0,
     include  => array(
       og  => 0,
       ur  => 0,
     id  =>  stream_owner_id ,
     table  =>  activity_log_messages ,
     field  =>  stream_owner_id ,
     validate_user_argument_type  =>  uid ,
     validate_user_roles  => array(
       2  => 0,
     relationship  =>  none ,
     default_options_div_prefix  =>   ,
     default_argument_fixed  =>   ,
     default_argument_user  => 0,
     default_argument_activity_log_stream_owner_type  =>  user ,
     default_argument_php  =>   ,
     validate_argument_node_type  => array(
       page  => 0,
     validate_argument_node_access  => 0,
     validate_argument_nid_type  =>  nid ,
     validate_argument_vocabulary  => array(
       1  => 0,
     validate_argument_type  =>  tid ,
     validate_argument_transform  => 0,
     validate_user_restrict_roles  => 0,
     validate_argument_php  =>   ,
$handler->override_option( filters , array(
   display_type  => array(
     operator  =>  = ,
     value  =>  web ,
     group  =>  0 ,
     exposed  => FALSE,
     expose  => array(
       operator  => FALSE,
       label  =>   ,
     id  =>  display_type ,
     table  =>  activity_log_templates ,
     field  =>  display_type ,
     relationship  =>  none ,
$handler->override_option( access , array(
   type  =>  perm ,
   perm  =>  view all activity messages ,
$handler->override_option( cache , array(
   type  =>  none ,
$handler->override_option( empty ,  There are no visible status updates. );
$handler->override_option( empty_format ,  1 );
$handler->override_option( use_ajax , TRUE);
$handler->override_option( items_per_page , 20);
$handler->override_option( use_pager ,  1 );
$handler = $view->new_display( page ,  Page ,  page_1 );
$handler->override_option( path ,  activities );
$handler->override_option( menu , array(
   type  =>  normal ,
   title  =>  Activity stream ,
   description  =>  Displays activity streams. ,
   weight  =>  0 ,
   name  =>  navigation ,
$handler->override_option( tab_options , array(
   type  =>  none ,
   title  =>   ,
   description  =>   ,
   weight  => 0,
   name  =>  navigation ,
$handler = $view->new_display( page ,  Page ,  page_2 );
$handler->override_option( path ,   );
$handler->override_option( menu , array(
   type  =>  none ,
   title  =>   ,
   description  =>   ,
   weight  => 0,
   name  =>  navigation ,
$handler->override_option( tab_options , array(
   type  =>  none ,
   title  =>   ,
   description  =>   ,
   weight  => 0,
   name  =>  navigation ,


<>strong>by the way - i notesd that the following table are not being produced in the new facilities.





well at the moment i still try to find out what is missing - which issues caused the serious lack of style. generally spoken: as for being confronted with the site still remaining the same - after the hard core changes[of last night due to my server-admin while chhanging the chown and chmod of the whole site], i am musing about all the tiny things and changes i did last week: i will try to go through all tiny changes i made

i will check all the site-administration-adjustments tonight: i had some corrections and tests done last week accordingly some hints: "This is due that by install in the performance administrative section ( admin/settings/performance ) you have on Bandwidth optimizations the option "OPTIMIZE CSS FILES" and "OPTIMIZE JAVASCRIPT FILES" enabled. This settings are normally very usefully for production(live) sites- i did this for testing and customize the Drupal Commons install cuz i thougth that it s better to disable as to have CSS and JS development support with tools like "Firebug" using Firefox."

<>strong> 过去24小时做了些什么:相应地考虑了所有建议和建议的改动。

Bon Espresso
Siwei Shen 
Shaun Dychko

My Server-admin made some changes for /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/ For all files/folders the permission-/ownership-settings were set to

owner vhost:www
664 for files  and  2775 for the folders)


       php_admin_value open_basedir
       php_admin_value max_execution_time 360
       php_flag session.auto_start               off
       php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
       php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
       php_flag mbstring.encoding_translation    off
       php_admin_value memory_limit    128M
       php_admin_value max_input_time  360
       php_admin_value post_max_size   16M
       php_admin_flag safe_mode_gid off
       php_admin_flag safe_mode off

but the site does not look different at the moment. All is still stylefree: [note: due to some advices from last week i have set in admin settings the css & js settings to a special mode to a somewhat called off-mode]. Guess that i can do some corrections here too]

看来,光灯和眼镜没有变化。 认为这并不奇怪,因为在安装期间没有正确的许可——因此,我不得不在有正确许可的情况下做安装的猜测——那么,所有的人都将享有权利!


页: 1

Drupal Commons 网站安装后没有风格:它像www.campus-24.com。

update: thanks to Siwei Shen that asks below for the permission on the specified paths - eg as the "www-data" user. Well i guess that i am not able to read the css-folder. No - i am not since all of the below mentined folders are owned by the wwwrun-user



But the folders contain files - that are owned by the vhost-user. But wait: i guess that i have copied the files into the folders afterwards (sorry sorry i cannot remember this exact story any more) i tried everything i coud do. Guessing that i also did a try to copy the files into the folder. But the most interesting thing to me is - that the folders are owned by the wwwrun-user. What do you think!?


  • default-user.png
  • default-group.png

During the install i noticed warnings about - too many files open.

i 听说“cs_1acaad3d96ebad99fc9b6ef9d4ee4.cs”案:这是一个自动生成的文档,压缩了用于提高速度和避免超负荷运行的所有CSS风格。 如果这一档案在我手里错了,那么我的网站(!!) 是否像上面的男人点一样?

Note the original htaccess was changed by my server-admin. But i guess that i ( and that means the site-admin [my friend] miss (and have forgotten a important option] see the htacess that we use actually - it is a hacked one: see it here


无照片,无 c。 是否有任何权利或许可问题?

see the error reporting http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/settings/error-reporting

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Error reporting

The configuration options have been saved.

    warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/modules/system/system.module on line 1020.
    warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
    warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.


http://pastebin.de/22378“rel=“noreferer” http://pastebin.de/22378 。

on the site http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/help/dblog - i have the dblog-log-info What is the output of "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr"?


Type    php
Date    Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User    martin
Location    http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer    http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity    error

Type    php
Date    Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User    martin
Location    http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer    http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity    error

Type    php
Date    Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User    martin
Location    http://campus-24.com/?q=admin/reports
Referrer    http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message array_map() [<a href= function.array-map >function.array-map</a>]: Argument #2 should be an array in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/modules/system/system.module on line 1020.
Severity    error

Type    php
Date    Monday, 16 January, 2012 - 21:47
User    martin
Location    http://campus-24.com/?q=stream
Message Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vhost/WWW/campus-24.com/includes/theme.inc on line 1832.
Severity    error

猜测一些微小事情缺失——如上所述: i 报告所有调查结果。


1 P-4, 1 P-3, 1 P-2

$ sudo chmod -R 775 sites/default/files 
$ sudo chgrp -R www-data sites/default/files

从网站内部向www-data小组分配所有档案,并向小组提供阅读和书写许可。 如果由你设立,你也可以通过德国马克公司这样做。 这看起来像档案许可问题(而且很常见)。


您在具体道路上是否拥有“授权”? 例如,作为“www-data”用户,你是否能够读到国际空间站的夹子?


谢 Thank 详细指挥Dychko。


e.g. if you are the admin and under a console, typing: ( assuming "www-data" is a linux user, and "regular_user_group" is the group he belongs to. )

$ ls -al
drwxr------ 15 www-data regular_user_group 4096 2012-01-17 12:00 .
drwxr------ 15 www-data regular_user_group 4096 2012-01-17 12:00 ..
drwxrr-xr-x 15 www-data regular_user_group 4096 2012-01-17 12:00 app

# other files ...

见第2行和第3行? 在此情况下,虽然“www-data”用户可使用“app”倍数,但他无法使用“......”倍数。 最终结果,“申请”夹仍无法使用。


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