English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why doesn t the :from parameter work on my Rails actionmailer?

我对送电子邮件给铁路进行了辅导,我是在我的制作中这样做的。 页: 1

  ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    :tls            => true,
    :address        =>  smtp.gmail.com ,
    :port           => 587,
    :domain         =>  http://myapp.heroku.com ,
    :authentication => :plain,
    :user_name      =>  [email protected] ,
    :password       =>  mypassword 

And this Actionmailer

     :to => user.email,
     :from => "[email protected]",
     :subject => "Welcome to My App",
     :body => "Please activate your account by going to this address: 
" +
              "http://myapp.heroku.com/" + 
              user.username + "/activate/" + user.activation_key

电子邮件: [104 电子邮箱: Protect],而不是





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