English 中文(简体)
如何用90度轮换3个层面矩阵,围绕其核心内容锁定? [闭门]
原标题:How to rotate a 3 dimensional matrix by 90 degrees clockwise around its central element? [closed]

您能否建议我采用一种算法,即围绕其核心要素(分析矩阵3.1)轮换3x3x3的三维阵(分析矩阵表3.1.1)、与x、 y和3D协调系统的轴心?


The basic approach is pretty simple, I think: figure out how to do it for a 2-D matrix and apply it in each of the planes of the 3-D matrix that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The details of all this depend on the order in which elements of the matrix are stored, which you haven t specified.

我认为,我们不能为2D做。 我们如何能够在2D或任何甚至层面矩阵中获得核心内容?

We can apply this technique only on odd size matrices. For even size, just perform the basics.

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