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原标题:How Sessions works in a load balancing environment?

I have a web site which runs on a single server. Now the number of users are becoming high. So we are planning to introduce a load balancing server in few days.. What all thing i need to keep in mind for implementing the load blacking server? How the session will work in such an environment? NB:The application is done in Asp.net / MS SQL


如果负荷平衡器支持硬盘会议,你可以使用这些软件,确保用户申请由同一服务器提供服务。 这是最好的选择。


  1. Asp.net session service on a common server
  2. Asp.net session state in SQL server
  3. Using app fabric

平衡者具有持续会议的特点。 当配置负荷舱位时,你可以放弃或要求提供支持,使这一特点能够使用户一度得到服务器的服务。 服务器将提供服务 整届会议期间。


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