English 中文(简体)
原标题:Get latitude/longitude of friend s current_location using Graph FQL

我试图利用单一的APIC电话,让所有用户朋友的纬度/长度。 我认为,我需要撰写一份多克信用证声明,但我可以纠正。


 "friends":"SELECT uid,current_location FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())" 

 "location":"SELECT location FROM page WHERE id IN (SELECT current_location_id FROM #friends)" ;




我不想让朋友看到。 相反,我想在地球地图上描绘所有用户朋友的“目前——所在地”(即他们居住的地方)。 我可以找到一个用户的“当前——地点”和以下FQL问题:

"SELECT uid,sex,current_location FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())"


[current_location] => Array
                [city] => New York
                [state] => New York
                [country] => United States
                [zip] => 
                [id] => 108424279189115
                [name] => New York, New York



"SELECT location,name FROM page WHERE page_id = 108424279189115)"

获取目前地点的自由度和长度。 目前,我有一部操作FQL查询的第一部工作法典,然后在php上抽取页号,然后用第二个FQL查询,以获得目前——地点/长度。 然而,出于业绩原因,如果可能的话,我只想花一个多频率。




 "location":"SELECT location FROM page WHERE id IN (SELECT current_location.id FROM #friends)" ;

当在快乐团中与阵列一道工作时,你可以通过穿透阵列获得任何询问的价值。 价值

而且,如果你需要的是那页的id,那么你或许会通过当场改善业绩。 参看你第一次询问

你们会想使用一种 f。 多频率,这里有一个可满足您需求的模拟答案:。 书目图

The FQL documentation on multiquery is found here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/fer/fql/

另外,你还试图获得一只 object子/一只 object子? 如果需要,请查看这一资源:http://developers.facebook.com/docs/fer/fql/checkin/


我不敢肯定,你正在努力做些什么。 我只看一看一皮,并测试了一些询问,你从朋友那里获得临时/长期服务的唯一途径似乎是根据检查,如果有必要,你可以从那里获得详细情况。 即便看你的第二个询问,现在的“所在地点”在页面桌旁的任何地方都没有提及,从页面桌上挑选地点将给你点,使其与地点有关。 也许你可以进一步阐述你重新努力取得的成就。

Here is a multiquery statement I wrote in PHP using FQL (it will select the coordinates of all your friends check ins, then from there get details on the place of the checkin pertaining to that friend):

    $multiQuery = "{
         query1 : SELECT coords, tagged_uids, page_id FROM checkin WHERE author_uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) ,
         query2 : SELECT name, description FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM #query1) 

    $param = array(       
          method  =>  fql.multiquery ,       
          queries  => $multiQuery,       
          callback  =>   
    $queryresults = $facebook->api($param);
catch(Exception $o){
fql?q=SELECT location,name FROM page WHERE page_id in (SELECT current_location.id from user where uid in(select uid2 from friend where uid1=me()))

这将为你们带来魔 the。

     query1 : "SELECT uid, name, current_location.id FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me())",
     query2 : "SELECT page_id, name, description, location FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT current_location.id FROM #query1)"





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