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原标题:Coloring different rows of a table using jquery based on condition in the table rows itself
  • 时间:2012-01-13 07:55:03
  •  标签:
  • jquery

I am working on improving the visual appeal of table rows. The data in table rows is generated dynamically and has lots of information. There is a column in that table which gives the time when that particular information row was issued. On the basis of the days/months etc before which the information was issued, I have to color the different rows.

It s exactly like as shown in the following link : http://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/live_watch/equities_stock_watch.htm

此外,表层还必须有小块彩色的酒吧,其中的颜色将由同一行的另一领域确定。 我很想知道如何在 j忙中做到这一点。 我知道javascript,但听起来。





// for each table cell
$( td ).each(function() {
    // get table cell value and try to convert to an float
    var fValue = parseFloat($(this).text());
    // if value is a number and less then zero
    if (!isNaN(fValue) && fValue < 0) {
        // change the background color to red
        $(this).css( background-color ,  red );

必须在表格建成后打上文字。 另见example

== UPDATE ==


// for each table cell
$( td ).each(function() {
    // get table cell value and try to convert to an float
    var fValue = parseFloat($(this).text());
    // if value is a number and less then zero
    if (!isNaN(fValue) && fValue < 0) {
        // get table row
        var oTableRow = $(this).parent();
        // change the background color to red
        oTableRow.css( background-color ,  red );


Next alternative is to walk over all trs:

$( tr ).each(function() {
    var jRow = $(this);
    // for each table cell
    jRow.find( td ).each(function() {
        // get table cell value and try to convert to an float
        var fValue = parseFloat($(this).text());
        // if value is a number and less then zero
        if (!isNaN(fValue) && fValue < 0) {
            // change the background color of the row to red
            jRow.css( background-color ,  red );


使用<代码>.find(“td.<selector>”;;<selector>必须是td的一类。 也可使用<代码>.find(“td[attr= .]”,以过滤带有特殊特性的所有<代码>tds。 但是,我不知道内容选择。

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