English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to package prebuilt shared library inside an APK

This question seems to have been asked a lot but all were trying to use eclipse to package the library inside the APK. However, my requirement is to package the library inside the APK (which will later be loaded using System.loadLibrary() through Java) using the Android build system, i.e. i want to write an Android.mk file that does this job.

Requirement: 1. Prebuilt shared library: libTest.so 2. Write an Android.mk file that will package this to libs/armeabi-7 inside the apk.



任何人都可以向任何撰写安乐文的人提问。 将把我预先建造的共享图书馆纳入阿拉伯维持和平部队的小型档案?



  1. Create jni folder in your project folder
  2. Create libs folder in your project folder
  3. Add Adnroid.mk make file to the jni folder, it should looks like this:

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -llog
    LOCAL_MODULE    := Test
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Test.cpp

注1:<代码> 试验是主要图书馆来源文件,载有本地方法的实施。 你可以增加更多来源,作为空间分离清单。


注3:如果您需要使C++ STL能够发挥作用,则创建另一个文档——>Application.mk,在jni的夹中添加该编号:

然后,你将不得不建立一个建筑商。 Refer to this article for how to do that:


注:您的图书馆名称应当降低,这是一份不光彩公约。 “校准”预设装置将自动增加,因此,最终的图书馆名称将进行校正。 因此。


Let s say there is one libxxx.so shared library under libs/armeabi/ of project which you want to pack into apk. There are 2 things you need to do in the Android.mk as below:

# 1. Copy .so to out/target/product/***/obj/lib
$(shell cp $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/libs/armeabi/*.so $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATE_LIBRARIES)) 

# 2. Make libxxx to be packed into apk

Then you can use apktool to unpack the built apk, you will find the libxxx.so will be located in libs/armeabi*/. It is indeed packed into the apk.

我有两个联络处——JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES,我想并入我的APK。 在我的安伯克,我可以这样做:



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