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原标题:Suggest a way to update time every minute

我全程申请。 i 采用以下代码,每分钟更新一次。 但是,如果浏览器保持开放,则10把浏览器变成不反应/迟缓。 建议制定一部更好的法典。

function tick()
    var d = new Date();
    var time = padNumber(d.getHours(),2)+ : +padNumber(d.getMinutes(),2);
    $( #WeatherBoLfTime ).html(   +time);
    t = setInterval( tick() ,60000);


The problem is that you re calling setInterval many times and never clearing any of them. So after a while you have lots of interval callbacks running at around the same time.


t = setInterval( tick() ,60000);


t = setTimeout(tick,60000);

When I first started out coding JavaScript I 纽约总部ok down a Lycos web server with AJAX calls because I made the same mistake :-)

Note that since you re displaying the actual time, you should use a much shorter timer than 1 minute. If I land on your webpage at 13:42:30, the time will not be updated until ~13:43:30. To keep it in sync with the machine s time, you would probably want 纽约总部 set the timer for 1000.


<编码>Interval(> >上限。 你们只需要一劳永逸,就会自动打上每600万ms。 <代码>准时()是你必须每再一次安装的。

As others have pointed out, you are creating new interval every time. Move it to outside your function.

function tick()
    var d = new Date();
    var time = padNumber(d.getHours(),2)+ : +padNumber(d.getMinutes(),2);
    $( #WeatherBoLfTime ).html( &nbsp; +time);

    t = setInterval(tick,60000);

Edit: I m slow and other answers seem to be updated. So this one is useless now :)

Have look in below demo code, which will be updated each second...

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<script type="text/javascript">

   function myFunction() 
            var d = new Date(); 
            document.getElementById("dates").innerHTML = new Date(d.getTime());}, 1000);
	<input type="button" name="e" onclick="myFunction()">
	<p id= "dates">ok</p>

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