English 中文(简体)
原标题:Generics: how to enforce restrictions between keys and values in a Map

问题: 一、 功能目标接口,分为以下几类:

    public static interface FunctionObject<T>  {
        void process(T object);

I need it generic because I d like to use T methods in the process implementations.
Then, in other generic class, I ve a Map where I have classes as keys and function objects as values:

    Map<Class<T>, FunctionObject<T>> map;


    Map<Class<? extends T>, FunctionObject<? super T>> map; //not what I need


    //if T were Number, this should be legal
    map.put(Class<Integer>, new FunctionObject<Integer>(){...});
    map.put(Class<Float>, new FunctionObject<Number>(){...});
    map.put(Class<Double>, new FunctionObject<Object>(){...});


    Map<Class<E extends T>, FunctionObject<? super E>>> map;

我如何能够取得预期的效果? 唯一选择是哪一种类型的安全异质集装箱? 地图的通用型号是什么?



public class MyMap<T>
    interface FunctionObject<X> {}

    private Map<Class<? extends T>, FunctionObject<Object>> map = new HashMap<>();

    public <E extends T> void put(Class<E> c, FunctionObject<? super E> f)
        map.put(c, (FunctionObject<Object>) f);

    public <E extends T> FunctionObject<Object> get(Class<E> c)
        return map.get(c);

    public static void Main(String[] args)
        MyMap<Number> map = new MyMap<>();

        map.put(Integer.class, new FunctionObject<Integer>() {});
        map.put(Float.class, new FunctionObject<Number>() {});
        map.put(Double.class, new FunctionObject<Object>() {});

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 令人痛心的是,没有任何办法可以避免 down落为反对。




The following add method avoids the need to double up on the type as well.

public class Main {
interface FunctionObject<T> { }

private final Map<Class, FunctionObject> map = new LinkedHashMap<Class, FunctionObject>();

public <T> void add(FunctionObject<T> functionObject) {
    Class<T> tClass = null;
    for (Type iType : functionObject.getClass().getGenericInterfaces()) {
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) iType;
        if (!pt.getRawType().equals(FunctionObject.class)) continue;
        Type t = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        tClass = (Class<T>) t;
    map.put(tClass, functionObject);

public <T> void put(Class<T> tClass, FunctionObject<T> functionObject) {
    map.put(tClass, functionObject);

public <T> FunctionObject<T> get(Class<T> tClass) {
    return map.get(tClass);

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    Main m = new Main();
    m.add(new FunctionObject<Integer>() {
    FunctionObject<Integer> foi = m.get(Integer.class);




The point is; there is no way to describe the constraint you have in the field declaration, you can achieve the same result if you use accessor methods which do the check on a per entry basis. You can add runtime checks as well if you need to ensure raw types are correct.

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