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原标题:How to get the right component name and then use it in FEST testing
  • 时间:2012-01-13 09:28:11
  •  标签:
  • java
  • fest

我正在使用<代码>setname/code>,在我的航程中界定子群。 我想使用我的《教育、科学和技术法》中的名称。 这是源代码:

for (int i = 0; i < trimSizeButtons.length; ++i) {



That is impossible to answer with the given information. trimSizes is an array of objects of some type. Those objects (most likely) have an instance variable named displayName. From the code snippet you posted, it is impossible to know what these variables contain.

您可尝试为登机添加Systemout.println ("Name of hton” + i +:“+ trimSizes[i].DisplayName();。 这将使申请在标准产出流程中打印所有三州的名称。

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