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WCF Service on-030 with Papa2
原标题:WCF Service on Linux with Apache2

rel=“nofollow noreferer”>servicestack.net http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_vserver/vq19“rel=“nofollow noretinger”>Ubuntu 12.04 on a Hetzner vServer。 我们的所有生活都靠Nginx/MonoFastCgi。

Here is how to run a ServiceStack self-hosted service inside a Linux daemon which also includes configuration of hosting it behind an Apache or Nginx reverse proxy. This post was written by a team who moved to ServiceStack to fix their memory and performance issues with MVC on Mono.

I generally avoid trying to run any heavy Microsoft web frameworks on Mono unless the Mono team has expressed supported configuration. For WCF they ve stated only the "Silverlight subset" of WCF is supported.


我也回答了我认为在以下几个问题上的主要分歧: ServiceStack、WebApi和WCF



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