English 中文(简体)
原标题:Display inline DIV

I just created a star rating system that change image on mouse over., but i cant seem to display the stars inline. they get under each other. It dosent work with style sheet so I suppose it should be re written in the javascript. !?

这是我的 Java本功能。

html Code :

<div id="star">
<div id="star_1" onclick="SendRating(1);" onmouseover="rateStar(1)" >
<img src="star2.png" id="rating_1" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_1" /></div>
<div id="star_2" onclick="SendRating(2);" onmouseover="rateStar(2)" >
<img src="star2.png" id="rating_2" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_2" /></div>
<div id="star_3" onclick="SendRating(3);" onmouseover="rateStar(3)" >
<img src="star2.png" id="rating_3" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_3" /></div>
<div id="star_4" onclick="SendRating(4);" onmouseover="rateStar(4)" >
<img src="star2.png"  id="rating_4" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_4" /></div>
<div id="star_5" onclick="SendRating(5);" onmouseover="rateStar(5)" >
<img src="star2.png"  id="rating_5" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_5" /></div>

<p id="ContentHolder">



function rateStar(rating){
        var i = 1;
        var ratings =   ;
        for (i==1; i<=5; i++){
            if (i<=rating){
                document.getElementById( rating_ +i).src=  star1.png ;
                document.getElementById( rating_ +i).src=  star.jpg ;

页: 1

<div id="star_1" onclick="SendRating(1);" onmouseover="rateStar(1)" >
<img src="star.jpg" id="rating_1" onclick="SendRating(this.getAttribute( score ));" alt="star_1" /></div>


display:inline block;


the mouse over function is working great except that it wont display inline =/ Thanks


利用<条码>显示:星号上的将解决问题。 你们可以在没有任何 Java字的情况下,利用中央安全局进行全方位的对冲效应。

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ThinkingStiff/5JPDX/


<div id="stars">
    <div id="star-1" class="star"></div>
    <div id="star-2" class="star"></div>
    <div id="star-3" class="star"></div>
    <div id="star-4" class="star"></div>
    <div id="star-5" class="star"></div>


#stars {
    background-image: url( http://thinkingstiff.com/images/star-empty.gif );
    background-size: 20px 20px;
    cursor: pointer;
    height: 20px;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    width: 100px;

.star {
    height: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;

.star:hover {
    background-image: url( http://thinkingstiff.com/images/star-highlight.png );
    background-size: 20px 20px;

#star-1 {
    right:  80px;
    z-index: 5;

#star-2 {
    right:  60px;    
    z-index: 4;

#star-3 {
    right:  40px;    
    z-index: 3;

#star-4 {
    right:  20px;    
    z-index: 2;

#star-5 {
    right:  0;    
    z-index: 1;


document.getElementById(  stars  ).addEventListener(  click , function ( event ) {

    //SendRating( event.target.id.substr( -1 ) );
    alert( event.target.id.substr( -1 ) );

}, false );


enter image description here


You should use CSS property "display" not on parent DIV, but on child ones, because it cannot be inherited. So, do something like this in CSS:

#star_1{display:inline block;}
#star_2{display:inline block;}
#star_3{display:inline block;}
#star_4{display:inline block;}
#star_5{display:inline block;}


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