require rubygems
require mechanize
agent = Mechanize.new
ruby-1.9.3-p0 :005 > agent.get("https://google.com")
/Users/wlue/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/net-http-persistent-2.3.3/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse.rb:70: [BUG] Segmentation fault
我很想知道,我是否错误地混淆了某些how,但我不知道如何检验。 我的顶级也这样做了。
export rvm_path="/Users/wlue/.rvm"
I don t think this is a ruby bug, because no one else has had problems with calling get on an https page, but I m at a loss as to how to debug this.
edit:由于与铁路公司的互动,因此实际上造成改型。 当我直接到独立监管机构工作时,它会做的是罚款,但铁路公司却不然。