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原标题:How to detect is a GWT element is visible?

我有几批露面和隐藏的碎片。 我如何在某个特定要素上发现,这在网页上是显而易见的?



Its offset height and width will both be 0.

UIObject component = ...
boolean isHidden = (component.getOffsetHeight() == 0 && component.getOffsetWidth() == 0);


Given an Element called "element":

boolean visible = UIObject.isVisible(element) && (element.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) && (element.getAbsoluteTop() > 0);

UIObject的静态“可行”方法将检查显示无异于这种,而对AbsoluteLeft和AsoluteTop的检查则可以处理。 我认为必须进行后一种检查的原因是,如果某个因素脱离了管理局(因此没有出现在网页上),那么,德国世界银行将继续告诉你,除非其可见性被明确定为虚假,否则其可见性是真实的。

NB: You could replace the AbsoluteTop and AbsoluteLeft checks with the offset width and height checks as suggested by Simon, but you should include the isVisible check as well in my opinion.

You can have something like that:

  public boolean isVisible(Widget w) {
        while (w.getElement().hasParentElement()) {
           if (w.isVisible()) {
                return true;
            w = w.getParent();
        return w.isVisible();


  && !"none".equals(element.getStyle().getDisplay())

I was walking down the tree, so knew the parent elements were visible; if your case is different, you ll probably need to do the same check on all parent elements.

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