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54Exception, Result 关闭了,但我可以说明原因。
原标题:SQLException, ResultSet closed but I can figure out why

I m 存在问题。 ResultSet, I have a java.sql.PreparedStatement on which Iîcut Query() to re a Resultery 然而,当我试图从Im的提问中取得结果时,我却被抛出一个例外:

Exception: java.sql.SQLException Message: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed.

从网上搜索看,它就看着一种结果。 由于以下几个原因,最终可以关闭:

  1. The PreparedStatement object that generated it is closed.
  2. The PreparedStatement object that generated it is re-executed.
  3. The PreparedStatement object that generated it is used to retrieve the next result from a sequence of multiple results.
  4. Closing the Connection which was used to generate the PreparedStatement.

I checked my code and do none of those things. Below is a snippet of the code that causes the problem:

PreparedStatement psAccountPartyIdByEmail = null;
try {
    String [] nextLine;
    while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
        String email = nextLine[0];
        try {
            if (psAccountPartyIdByEmail == null) {
                psAccountPartyIdByEmail = session.connection().prepareStatement(SQL_GET_ACCOUNTPARTYID_BY_EMAILADDRESS);

            psAccountPartyIdByEmail.setString(1, email);
            ResultSet partyIds = psAccountPartyIdByEmail.executeQuery();

            while (partyIds.next()) {
               String partyId = partyIds.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Encountered SQLException while running group service.", MODULE);
} catch (IOException e) {
    Debug.logError(e, "Problem reading line in file", MODULE);

在试图执行时,除外:while (Part Ids.next())){



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if (psAccountPartyIdByEmail == null) {
            psAccountPartyIdByEmail = session.connection().prepareStatement(SQL_GET_ACCOUNTPARTYID_BY_EMAILADDRESS);

outside of the while loop. Also, close the ResultSet after you ve processed the rows. Then, when you re all done close your statement and connection.

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