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原标题:How can I set the background color below (and to the right) of table cells if there are few rows (or colums)?
  • 时间:2012-01-13 12:46:41
  •  标签:
  • swing

i have jtable with 5 rows but the size of jtable is more than the jtable containing 10 rows. when i used table.setBackground(), only 5 rows are colored and rest part is uncolored.





或者,通过使用<条码>可操作的#setFillsViewportHala(真实)方法,使表格填满整个观察港。 这将解决你的背景肤色问题,并具有下文所述的其他优势:。 关于<条码>的可的研读




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