English 中文(简体)
原标题:get next & previous id record in database on Yii
  • 时间:2012-01-15 18:16:10
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql
  • yii



我发挥了作用,让这些人不去找你。 我建议你在模式中宣布:

public static function getNextOrPrevId($currentId, $nextOrPrev)
    if($nextOrPrev == "prev")
       $order="id DESC";
    if($nextOrPrev == "next")
       $order="id ASC";

       array( select => id ,  order =>$order)

    foreach($records as $i=>$r)
       if($r->id == $currentId)
          return isset($records[$i+1]->id) ? $records[$i+1]->id : NULL;

    return NULL;


YourModel::getNextOrPrevId($id /*(current id)*/, "prev" /*(or "next")*/); 




I added following functions in my model in Yii2:

public function getNext() {
    $next = $this->find()->where([ > ,  id , $this->id])->one();
    return $next;

public function getPrev() {
    $prev = $this->find()->where([ < ,  id , $this->id])->orderBy( id desc )->one();
    return $prev;

• 私人var,用于其他功能。


class Model1 .....
   private _prevId = null;
   private _nextId = null;

   public function afterFind()  //this function will be called after your every find call
    //find/calculate/set $this->_prevId;
    //find/calculate/set $this->_nextId;

   public function getPrevId() {
      return $this->prevId;

   public function getNextId() {
      return $this->nextId;



$model(or $data)->prevId/nextId

in the array( id =>#) section.

Taking the original answer and adapting it for Yii2 with a little clean up:

 * [nextOrPrev description]
 * @source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8872101/get-next-previous-id-record-in-database-on-yii
 * @param  integer $currentId [description]
 * @param  string  $nextOrPrev  [description]
 * @return integer         [description]
public static function nextOrPrev($currentId, $nextOrPrev =  next )
    $order   = ($nextOrPrev ==  next ) ?  id ASC  :  id DESC ;
    $records = 

    foreach ($records as $i => $r) {

       if ($r->id == $currentId) {
          return ($records[$i+1]->id ? $records[$i+1]->id : NULL);


    return false;



public function actionView($id)
    // ... some code before

    // Get prev and next orders
    // Setup search model
    $searchModel = new OrderSearch();
    $orderSearch = yiihelpersJson::decode(Yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()->getValue( s-  . Yii::$app->user->identity->id));
    $params = [];
    if (!empty($orderSearch)){
        $params[ OrderSearch ] = $orderSearch;
    $dataProvider = $searchModel->search($params);
    $sort = $dataProvider->getSort();
    $sort->defaultOrder = [ created  => SORT_DESC];

    // Get page number by searching current ID key in models
    $pageNum = array_search($id, array_column($dataProvider->getModels(),  id ));
    $count = $dataProvider->getCount();
    $dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = 1;

    $orderPrev = $orderNext = null;
    if ($pageNum > 0) {
        $dataProvider->pagination->setPage($pageNum - 1);
        $orderPrev = $dataProvider->getModels()[0];
    if ($pageNum < $count) {
        $dataProvider->pagination->setPage($pageNum + 1);
        $orderNext = $dataProvider->getModels()[0];
    // ... some code after


public function search($params)
    // Set cookie with search params
    Yii::$app->response->cookies->add(new yiiwebCookie([
         name  =>  s-  . Yii::$app->user->identity->id,
         value  => yiihelpersJson::encode($params[ OrderSearch ]),
         expire  => 2147483647,

    // ... search model code here ...

PS: be sure if you can use array_column for array of objects. This works good in PHP 7+ but in lower versions you got to extract id by yourself. Maybe it s good idea to use array_walk or array_filter in PHP 5.4+



  public static function getNextPrevId($currentId)
        $queryprev = new Query();
        $queryprev->select( max(id) )->from(self::tableName())->where( id<:id ,[ id =>$currentId]);
        $querynext = new Query();
        $querynext->select( min(id) )->from(self::tableName())->where( id>:id ,[ id =>$currentId]);

        return [ $queryprev->scalar(), $querynext->scalar()];


public function actionView($id) {
    return $this->render( view , [
         model  => $this->findModel($id),
         nextprev  => YourModel::getNextPrevId($id),


<?= !is_null($nextprev[0]) ? Html::a( ⇦ , [ view ,  id  => $nextprev[0]], [ class  =>  btn btn-primary ]) :    ?>
<?= !is_null($nextprev[1]) ? Html::a( ⇨ , [ view ,  id  => $nextprev[1]], [ class  =>  btn btn-primary ]) :    ?>

以前的解决办法在你获得第一个或最后记录时有问题,而且正在向数据库发出多次电话。 在这里,我的工作解决办法是在一个方面运作的,它处理的是最终的、可分割的各州:


public static function NextOrPrev($currentId)
    $records = <Table>::find()->orderBy( id DESC )->all();

    foreach ($records as $i => $record) {
        if ($record->id == $currentId) {
            $next = isset($records[$i - 1]->id)?$records[$i - 1]->id:null;
            $prev = isset($records[$i + 1]->id)?$records[$i + 1]->id:null;
    return [ next =>$next,  prev =>$prev];

Within the controller:

     public function actionView($id)
    $index = <modelName>::nextOrPrev($id);
    $nextID = $index[ next ];
    $disableNext = ($nextID===null)? disabled :null;
    $prevID = $index[ prev ];
    $disablePrev = ($prevID===null)? disabled :null;

    // usual detail-view model
    $model = $this->findModel($id);

    return $this->render( view , [
         model  => $model, 
         nextID =>$nextID,
         prevID =>$prevID,
         disableNext =>$disableNext,
         disablePrev =>$disablePrev,


<?= Html::a( Next , [ view ,  id  => $nextID], [ class  =>  btn btn-primary r-align btn-sm  .$disableNext]) ?>
<?= Html::a( Prev , [ view ,  id  => $prevID], [ class  =>  btn btn-primary r-align btn-sm  .$disablePrev]) ?>

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