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软性4.6 CSS vgroup “gap”被忽视
原标题:Flex 4.6 CSS vgroup "gap" ignored
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
        @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
        @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
        s|VGroup {
            gap: 150;
            left: 30;
        <s:Label text="text1" />
        <s:Label text="text1" />

The VGroup is 30 Pixel from left, as assumed (this is my proof that the style is used) But it ignores the given gap. When i feed gap="150" directly into the VGroup-Element, it works. So why is this ignored when coming over css?


cu, Markus


Because gap is a property of the VGroup class, not a style. This property is but a wrapper for the VerticalLayout#gap property.

如果你使用闪光灯,你可以在建议清单中看到两者的区别。 财产是一个绿色循环。 一种风格被显示为蓝色梯体。

<<>strong>edit/strong>Left is also a property but still it do have been used. 其原因是,在弹性SDK码<>、基准线、<编码>>、<>top 、bottomft、>horizontalCenter verticalCenter的旧版本中,如作为风格实施,可使用。 因此,你仍然可以这样使用,其原因是落后的兼容性。

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