English 中文(简体)
原标题:Object function won t execute in PHP

I m 运行Eclipse Indigo, with PDT and Xdebugger (all recent edition) and a LAMP服务器 on Hugo 11.04.

物体功能(见下面的代码)在分解时赢得了拖拉;变相的只是违约——变数窗口完全空白,只是冻结。 该网页既能赢得装货,也只能停留在装货国。




    require_once  user.php ;
    require_once  fetcher.php ;
    require_once  inscriber.php ;
    $uname=$_POST[ regname ];
    $upass=$_POST[ regpass ];
    $ufirst=$_POST[ regfirst ];
    $ulast=$_POST[ reglast ];
    $uemail=$_POST[ regemail ];
    $uphone=$_POST[ regphone ];

    $user = new User();
    $user->setUsername($uname); // THIS IS WHERE IT FREEZES UP

    $inscriber = Inscriber::getInscriberInstance();
    $success = $inscriber->inscribeUser($user);

class User{

    private $username;
    private $password;
    private $userID;
    private $firstname;
    private $lastname;
    private $phone;
    private $email;

    public function getUsername(){
        return $username;

    public function setUsername($var){
        $this->$username = $var;

    public function getPassword(){
        return $password;

    public function setPassword($var){
        $this->$password = $var;

    public function getUserID(){
        return $userID;

    public function setUserID($var){
        $this->$userID = $var;

    public function getFirstname(){
        return $firstname;

    public function setFirstname($var){
        $this->$firstname = $var;

    public function getLastname(){
        return $lastname;

    public function setLastname($var){
        $this->$lastname = $var;

    public function getPhone(){
        return $phone;

    public function setPhone($var){
        $this->$phone = $var;

    public function getEmail(){
        return $email;

    public function setEmail($var){
        $this->$email = $var;

$this->$username = $var;

这是“不动产”。 PHP试图用变量的内容取代$username。 变量为t,因此产生的<代码>$this-> = var 公正的失败

$this->username = $var;



public function getUsername(){
    return $username;


public function getUsername(){
    return $this->username;



你的辛子并不正确(在这种情况下)。 请:


public function getUsername(){
  return $this->username; //added $this->...

public function setUsername($var){
  $this->username = $var; //no $-sign before  username 


This goes for all the other functions, too.

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