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java 精简
原标题:java StreamTokenizer

I m using the method quoteChar( " ) to treat the strings. The usual escape sequences such as " " and " " are recognized and converted to single characters as the string is parsed. Is there any way to get the string just the way it is, meaning that if i have the string:

Hello World

i 想要获得

Hello World


Hello World

. Thanks


看看<条码>Stream Tokenizer来源,就象脚踏脚的越狱行为一样难以编码。 我只能想出几个途径来绕过:

  1. Re-escape the string once you get it back. The problem here is that this won t match exactly what was in the file - will be converted back but 40 will not.
  2. Insert your own Reader in between the source Reader and the StreamTokenizer. Store all the chars read for the last token in a buffer. Trim whitespace from the start of that buffer to get the "raw" token.
  3. If your tokenizing rules are simple enough, implement your own tokenizer.


public class MyReader extends BufferedReader {
    // You can choose whatever replacement you d like(one wont occur in your text)
    private static final char TAB_REPLACEMENT =  u0000 ;

    public MyReader(Reader in) {

    public int read() throws IOException {
        int charVal = super.read();
        if (charVal ==  	 ) {
            return TAB_REPLACEMENT;
        return charVal;

and then create the tokenizer by:

myTokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new MyReader(new FileReader(file)));


MyTokenizer.sval.replace(TAB_REPLACEMENT,  	 )

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