English 中文(简体)
Retrive XML XPath的要素
原标题:Retrieve XML Elements with XPath

I m 很难从使用XPath的XML档案中获取XML数值。 The XML file has the following schema:



  public NodeList getNodesList(String xmlQuery) throws XPathExpressionException {
        NodeList nodes = null;
        try {
            nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(xmlQuery, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) {
            throw ex;
        return nodes;



 NodeList nodes = xmlHandler.getNodesList("/devicesInfo/deviceInfo");

So far so good, for this is returning a NodeList with length 2, which is basically all the deviceInfo elements in the file. What I wish to do next is iterating over each deviceInfo in order to get the value of its children (deviceId,macAddress,deviceType,deviceClass,location,productionState).

I tried to do the following: NodeList list = nodes.item(0).getChildNodes();


 System.out.println("First element is "+list.item(0).getTextContent());

这使我感到空洞。 尽管我试图这样做:

System.out.println("First element is "+list.item(1).getTextContent());


因此,为了获得所有要素的价值,我使用了指数1,3,5,7,9,11。 我知道我做的是错事。 谁能帮助我?


The children of the <deviceInfo> elements include a number of Whitespace- only text nodes. 你们需要过滤这些内容,以便你仅以下述方式对作为要素的儿童重新定位,或将XML归为一种只有白空间在<代码>和t;deviceInfo>内容为:ignored/



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