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原标题:vim set ex range to current paragraph without visual/mark etc
  • 时间:2012-01-13 15:56:27
  •  标签:
  • vim

I m wanting to apply a command to the currect paragraph but I d like to automate it so I don t need to visually select/mark the paragraph before-hand.


:{,}s/this isn t/important/g  



是否有任何人知道如何这样做? 是否有更好的办法解决我所失踪的问题?

: {, }s/this isn t/important/g


:h  {

http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/motion.html#object-select”rel=“nofollow” 文本物体选择载于Vim,p

To select a paragraph in visual mode, for example, to apply other commands to it, use vip or vap

If you want to exclude the first and last empty lines around the paragraph — just like the text-object "v_ip" — you can use this:

: {+1, }-1

简言之,这不会给上下一条线。 我利用这一图表对目前段落进行详细分类:

nn <leader>s mx: {+1, }-1!awk  {print length(), $0|"sort -n"} |cut -d    -f2-<cr>`x

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