English 中文(简体)
原标题:Remove lines from xml file if contains same words (perl)
  • 时间:2012-01-13 15:55:30
  •  标签:
  • perl


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE stationlist PUBLIC "-//xxxxx//DTD stationlist 1.0//EN"   "http://xxxxxxxxx/DTD/xxxxxxxx.dtd">
<frequencies xmlns="http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/DTD/">
 <list norm="PAL" frequencies="Custom" audio="bg">
<station name="A" active="1" channel="48.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="B" active="1" channel="55.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="C" active="1" channel="62.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="D" active="1" channel="112.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="E" active="1" channel="119.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="F" active="0" channel="48.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="G" active="1" channel="55.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="H" active="0" channel="62.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>



<station name="A" active="1" channel="48.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="B" active="1" channel="55.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="C" active="1" channel="62.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="D" active="1" channel="112.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>
<station name="E" active="1" channel="119.25MHz" norm="PAL"/>


for i in `cat frequencies.xml | sed  s/.*channel="([^"]*)".*/1/; /</ d  |grep MHz`; do
cat frequencies.xml | awk -v i="channel="$i"  
    BEGIN       { a=0 }
    $0 ~ i      { if ( a == "1" ) { print i"" - duplicate" > "/dev/stderr"  ; next ;} ; a=1 } 
            { print $_ }  > frequencies.xml.tmp && 
mv frequencies.xml.tmp frequencies.xml


增 编



open (FH, "+< frequencies.xml") or die "Opening: $!";
my $out =   ;
my %seen = ();
foreach my $line ( <FH> ) {
   if ( $line =~ m/<station/ ) {
        my ( $freq ) = ( $line =~ m/channel="([^"]+)"/ );
            $out .= $line unless $seen{$freq}++;
    } else {
        $out .= $line;
seek(FH,0,0)                    or die "Seeking: $!";
print FH $out                   or die "Printing: $!";
truncate(FH, tell(FH))          or die "Truncating: $!";
close(FH)                       or die "Closing: $!";

• 跟踪你所看到的频率,如果你看到,则不提:

open INPUT,  < ,  frequencies.xml  or die "Can t read file : $!";
my %seen = ();
foreach my $line ( <INPUT> ) {
   my ( $freq ) = ( $line =~ m/channel="([^"]+)"/ );
   print $line unless $seen{$freq};
close INPUT;


如果还有其他线要保持下去,你就只需要印制。 如果测试包含一个<条码>和代号;station>要素,并印刷其他一切......但一旦你开始变得比这更加复杂,你可能想使用一个真正的Xarsers。 因此,利用Zaid的建议:

open INPUT,  < ,  frequencies.xml  or die "Can t read file : $!";
my %seen = ();
foreach my $line ( <INPUT> ) {
   if ( $line =~ m/<station/ ) {
      my ( $freq ) = ( $line =~ m/channel="([^"]+)"/ );
      print $line unless $seen{$freq}++;
   } else {
      print $line;
close INPUT;


perl -ne  ($freq) = m/(?i)channel="([^"]+)/; print unless exists $arr{ $freq }; $arr{ $freq } = 1  infile
open(IN,  < ,  frequencies.xml ) or die;
while ($inline = <IN>) {
  $inline =~ /([d.]+)MHz/;
  $freq = $1;
  push(@out, $inline) unless (grep(/$freq/, @out));
print "@out
$ perl -pi.tmp -ale  $_="" if $seen{ $F[2] }++  frequencies.xml


use XML::XSH2;
xsh q{
    open so-8853324.xml;
    $ch := hash @channel //station;
    for { keys %$ch } ls xsh:lookup("ch", .)[1];


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