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原标题:Class inheritance and the print/_str_() methods

我再次对提出另一个非常次要的问题表示歉意。 出于某种原因,我似乎无法从贾瓦向沙勒过渡。 我认识到,在帮助使用者做事的方法中,沙捞越了这些东西。 但是,我很想知道,以下两部法典是否相同,或者说“更正式”的意思是,在 Java使用比在 other使用更为常见。

def print()
    print "My name is___"


def _str_()
   print "My name is___"

Once again, either one of my methods might be completely wrong (my guess would be the "str" methods. In the interest of time, I have not written out the class name 以及other methods/attributes. Thanks ahead of time.


页: 1

<代码>__str__功能在班级使用。 如果某一物体被转换成扼杀物,则该功能被称作。 诸如<编码>印有/编码”等功能在内部进行。 也可打电话到<代码>str(my_object_instance)。

<>注> 如同在被占领土上一样,只有一点是特别的。


>>> class A:                                                                                        
...   def __str__(self):                                                                            
...     return "I am an instance of A"                                                              
>>> a_inst = A()                                                                                    
>>> print a_inst                                                                                    
I am an instance of A                                                                               



Any __xxx___ has a special meaning, one seasoned pythonneer expect xxx(obj1) to calls obj1.__xxx__().



The goals behind that methods are both legit (the sintax not too much), but which one to choose depends on what you re trying to do.


请界定<代码>。 用户类别:

class User:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def __str__(self):
        return "My name is %s" % self.name

    def show(self):
        print "My name is %s" % self.name

<>说明: 我将方法名称从<条码>改为<条码>。 因为在python 2.x,是关键词,因此你可以使用。

Now let s try the User class to see the difference between __str__ and show?:

>>> rik = User( Ricky )
>>> rik.show()
My name is Ricky
>>> rik.__str__()
 My name is Ricky 
>>> print rik
My name is Ricky


__str__ (here the documentation)

页: 1 如果对这种方法加以界定,则其名称为.__str__(),并载明将印制收益。

Main point __str__:

  • should not call print
  • and must return a string.


另一方面,show(>)直接印刷插图(和<>None)。 这就是说。

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