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原标题:Why does service stop after RPM is updated
  • 时间:2012-01-13 17:45:25
  •  标签:
  • redhat
  • rpm

我有一套软件包,我为此创建了一个管道。 由于知识产权的原因,我可以在此 past开整个管道,但这里是问题的根源:

/sbin/pidof program
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
  /sbin/service program stop

/sbin/chkconfig program on
/sbin/service program start

/sbin/service program stop
/sbin/chkconfig program off

rm -rf /program_folder

Everytime I try to upgrade the package, it stops the program service, installs everything, starts the service, and then stops it again and deletes the folder...any ideas?



%pre of new package
(package install)
%post of new package
%preun of old package
(removal of old package)
%postun of old package


可以通过把这一论点看上来加以解决。 下表列出价值:

          install    upgrade  uninstall
%pre      $1 == 1   $1 == 2   (N/A)
%post     $1 == 1   $1 == 2   (N/A)
%preun    (N/A)     $1 == 1   $1 == 0
%postun   (N/A)     $1 == 1   $1 == 0

So, you d want your %postun script to instead be this:

if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
    /sbin/service program stop
    /sbin/chkconfig program off
exit 0

这样做只会使该方案完全停止(例如:rpm -e),并应当由您来实施。

<>strong>NOTE:请与<>%postun相同。 说明

<>strong>NOTE:exit 0 at the end;我谨具体指出,如果情况如此,由于最后指挥部的错误撤离代码将结转并导致该字母脱离这一状态,则造成碎块安装问题。

<>strong>NOTE: 固定在目前安装的碎块中的新平板。 页: 1 旧的纸浆和破碎的纸张,你将 fine。




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