I have the following HTML code
<li><div><..><input type="submit" ...></div></li>
i added a click event to the button to remove the Whole <li>
. the process takes a while 1/2 second sometime. I wanted to include a message with a wait icon while processing removing I code the following code:
var $li = $(btnRemove).closest( li ).empty();
// Add Please wait
var $logo = $( <img> ).attr( src , logo.gif );
var $tblWait = $( <table /> ).append(
$( <tr /> ).stop()
.append($( <td/> ).append($logo))
.append($( <td/> ).html( Pleasee wait while removing table ))
$li.append($( <div/> ).append($tblWait));
..... Process and do other tack and finally
如果一把小点一带,我就会看到标识和标识;如果电文没有破碎,则在1/2秒之后,电离层就会被拆除,但电 log不会打上。 我试图将图像上装在页面准备活动上,但标识实际上很小,没有时间装上。 任何帮助都将受到高度赞赏。