I have a jboss and a tomcat installed in the same machine (with jboss 6 having port 8080 and tomcat 7 having port 8090) and I am trying to use JNDI lookup from tomcat to obtain the ejb lookups in JBoss. I have checked my EJB beans using the jmx console to make sure they are available. I have denoted them to be @Remote and in JMX console these EJBs are avilable as aaaServiceRemote/remote bbbServiceRemote/remote etc
I my tomcat, I have put my application war which consists a Service locator and when the application starts the service locator tries to find the EJBs and fails. I have put jnp-client and jboss-all-client jar files copied from jboss/client to tomcat/lib folder I have put a jndi.properties file inside the webapp directory of tomcat consisting of the following entries.
java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory java.naming.provider.url=localhost:1099 java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
看来,在日本移民与发展协会的环境下,似乎试图找到EJBs,而不是偏远的jbos JNDI。