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Save the Value of TextArea From Form
原标题:Save The Value OF TextArea From Form

I m new to Struts2 and Hibernate. I am trying to save values from the form. On submit the value of the textarea will be saved null;


 <s:form action="saveComment">
                        <s:push value="ai">
                            <s:hidden name="id"/>
                            <table cellpadding="5px">
                                <tr><td><s:textarea name="description" rows="5" cols="60" theme="simple" />
                                    <td> <s:submit type="image" src="images/sbt.gif"  >



and my Action Method is like this-

  public String saveComment() throws Exception {

    Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
    ExternalUser user = (ExternalUser) session.get("user");
    AIComment aiComment = new AIComment();
    aiComment.setPostedOn(new java.util.Date());
    return SUCCESS;

努力2 建立了机制,将你的形式价值转让给你尊敬的行动阶层,你们都需要采取以下步骤。

  1. Create property in you action class with same name as the form fields name and provide there getters and setters.

Struts2 will match those action property names with the names of the fields being sent from the form and will populate them for you


public class YourAction extends ActionSupport{

  private String id;
  private String description

  getter and setters for id and description fileds

   public String saveComment() throws Exception {
      //Your Method logic goes here


因此,当你提交表格时,表格将包含作为形式值的复制和描述。 Struts2号拦截器(此处为第1段)将看到你的行动舱有这些特性,并将在<代码>saveComment()法实施之前将其填满。



read the interceptors details for better understanding

  1. interceptors
  2. parameters-interceptor

首先,你的行动名称必须是你们的别名。 然后,请具体说明方法名称。


    <action name="Comment_*" method="{1}" class="com.yourproject.folder.Comment">
        <result name="input">/pages/page.jsp</result>
        <result name="success" type="redirectAction">nextAction</result>


<s:form action="Comment_saveComment">


public class Comment extends ActionSupport {

  public String saveComment() throws Exception {
    Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
    ExternalUser user = (ExternalUser) session.get("user");
    AIComment aiComment = new AIComment();
    aiComment.setPostedOn(new java.util.Date());
    return SUCCESS;

我不知道你如何掌握“i”和“user”的价值观。 如果你想从价调汇率中获取价值,你必须申报与投入名称相同的指示数。 在你的情况下,“描述”是投入价值。 如果你想从价调汇率中获取价值,你就应当宣布这些变量在你的类别中出现和确定。


 private String Id;
 private String Description;

public String getId() {
    return Id;

public void setId(String Id) {
    this.Id = Id;


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