The Team object holds the team ID as its key. The Team object contains name and users objects as its values. The users object has the user ID as its key, which doesn t overlap with user IDs from other teams.
The users object can be subscribed to by users, and modifying this should reflect changes in the Team object. Conversely, the Team object can be subscribed to by users, and modifying it should reflect changes in the users object.
How can I achieve this?
我试图在Java文本档案中利用用户功能更新每个物体,但我最后陷入了无限的 lo,失败了。
import {writable} from "svelte/store";
const teamDict = writable({})
const userDict = writable({})
function initTeamDict() {
1: {
name: "good team",
users: {
1: "James",
2: "Poppy",
48: "Hway"
2: {
name: "bad team",
users: {
47: "Kelin",
35: "Teo",
24: "Ferma"
function initUserDict() {
userDict.set(Object.values($teamDict).reduce((acc, team) => ({...acc, ...team[`users`]}), {}))
<button on:click={initTeamDict}>init team dict</button>
<button on:click={initUserDict}>init user dict</button>
<div> {JSON.stringify($teamDict)}</div>
<div> {JSON.stringify($userDict)}</div>
<button on:click={() => $teamDict[`1`][`users`][`1`] = "top"}>this button should change userDict also </button>
<button on:click={() => $userDict[`1`] = "bottom"}>this button should change teamDict also </button>
https://svelte.dev/repl/e6570ac9ca464c15967a43c8311dcd4d?vert=4.2.8”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://svelte.dev/repl/e6570ac9ca464c15967a43c8311dcd4d?version=4.2.8
import {derived, writable} from "svelte/store";
import {Button} from "flowbite-svelte";
const teamDict = writable({})
const userDict = writable({})
teamDict.subscribe(($$teamDict) => {
const userDictCopy = $userDict
for (const key in userDictCopy) {
delete userDictCopy[key]
Object.assign(userDictCopy, Object.values($$teamDict).reduce((acc, team) => ({...acc, ...team[`users`]}), {}))
userDict.subscribe(($$userDict) => {
const teamDictCopy = $teamDict
for (const team of Object.values(teamDictCopy)) {
team[`users`] = {}
for (const [userId, user] of Object.entries($$userDict)) {
teamDictCopy[user[`team_id`]][`users`][userId] = user
const storeView = derived(
[teamDict, userDict],
([$teamDict, $userDict], set) => {
set({teamDict: $teamDict, userDict: $userDict})
function initTeamDict() {
1: {
name: "good team",
users: {
1: {
"name": "James",
"team_id": 1
2: {
"name": "Poppy",
"team_id": 1
48: {
"name": "Hway",
"team_id": 1
2: {
name: "bad team",
users: {
47: {
"name": "Kelin",
"team_id": 2
35: {
"name": "Teo",
"team_id": 2
24: {
"name": "Ferma",
"team_id": 2
<Button on:click={initTeamDict}>init team dict</Button>
<div> {JSON.stringify($storeView.teamDict)}</div>
<div> {JSON.stringify($storeView.userDict)}</div>
<Button on:click={() => $teamDict[`1`][`users`][`1`][`name`] = "top"}>this button should change userDict also </Button>
<Button on:click={() => $userDict[`1`][`name`] = "bottom"}>this button should change teamDict also </Button>
REPL https://svelte.dev/repl/0b89313234b8d94a6adf38ba?version=4.2.8