English 中文(简体)
• 如何在 Java流利建造JSON? [闭门]
原标题:How to fluently build JSON in Java? [closed]
  • 时间:2012-01-16 05:28:50
  •  标签:
  • java
  • json

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Closed last year.

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.


String json = new JsonBuilder()
  .add("key1", "value1")
  .add("key2", "value2")
  .add("key3", new JsonBuilder()
    .add("innerKey1", "value3"))

Which Java JSON library is best for this kind of fluent building?

<>Update: 我总结并几乎取得预期成果:


See the Java EE 7 Json specification. This is the right way:

String json = Json.createObjectBuilder()
            .add("key1", "value1")
            .add("key2", "value2")

我最近设立了一个图书馆,以利 creating地制造Gson物体:



  JsonObject jsonObject = JsonBuilderFactory.buildObject() //Create a new builder for an object
  .addNull("nullKey")                            //1. Add a null to the object

  .add("stringKey", "Hello")                     //2. Add a string to the object
  .add("stringNullKey", (String) null)           //3. Add a null string to the object

  .add("numberKey", 2)                           //4. Add a number to the object
  .add("numberNullKey", (Float) null)            //5. Add a null number to the object

  .add("booleanKey", true)                       //6. Add a boolean to the object
  .add("booleanNullKey", (Boolean) null)         //7. Add a null boolean to the object

  .add("characterKey",  c )                      //8. Add a character to the object
  .add("characterNullKey", (Character) null)     //9. Add a null character to the object

  .addObject("objKey")                           //10. Add a nested object
    .add("nestedPropertyKey", 4)                 //11. Add a nested property to the nested object
    .end()                                       //12. End nested object and return to the parent builder

  .addArray("arrayKey")                          //13. Add an array to the object
    .addObject()                                 //14. Add a nested object to the array
      .end()                                     //15. End the nested object
    .add("arrayElement")                         //16. Add a string to the array
    .end()                                       //17. End the array

    .getJson();                                  //Get the JsonObject

String json = jsonObject.toString();


JsonObject jsonArray = JsonBuilderFactory.buildArray().addObject().end().add("foo", "bar").getJson(); //Error: tried to add a string with property key to array.
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonBuilderFactory.buildObject().addArray().end().add("foo").getJson(); //Error: tried to add a string without property key to an object.
JsonArray jsonArray = JsonBuilderFactory.buildObject().addArray("foo").getJson(); //Error: tried to assign an object to an array.
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonBuilderFactory.buildArray().addObject().getJson(); //Error: tried to assign an object to an array.

最后,在APIC中,有地图支持,使你能够向JSON绘制你的域标。 目标是 Java8获释时,你能够做这样的事情:

Collection<User> users = ...;
JsonArray jsonArray = JsonBuilderFactory.buildArray(users, { u-> buildObject()
                                                                 .add("userName", u.getName())
                                                                 .add("ageInYears", u.getAge()) })

如果你使用Jackson,在法典中使用许多<条码>,则在以下几套公用事业中可能有兴趣。 使用这些装置的好处是,它们支持一种更自然的链条风格,更好地显示正在施工中的初等人物的结构。


import static JsonNodeBuilders.array;
import static JsonNodeBuilders.object;


val request = object("x", "1").with("y", array(object("z", "2"))).end();


{"x":"1", "y": [{"z": "2"}]}


import static lombok.AccessLevel.PRIVATE;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;

import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.val;

 * Convenience {@link JsonNode} builder.
@NoArgsConstructor(access = PRIVATE)
public final class JsonNodeBuilders {

   * Factory methods for an {@link ObjectNode} builder.

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object() {
    return object(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, boolean v1) {
    return object().with(k1, v1);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, int v1) {
    return object().with(k1, v1);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, float v1) {
    return object().with(k1, v1);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, String v1) {
    return object().with(k1, v1);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, String v1, @NonNull String k2, String v2) {
    return object(k1, v1).with(k2, v2);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, String v1, @NonNull String k2, String v2,
      @NonNull String k3, String v3) {
    return object(k1, v1, k2, v2).with(k3, v3);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(@NonNull String k1, JsonNodeBuilder<?> builder) {
    return object().with(k1, builder);

  public static ObjectNodeBuilder object(JsonNodeFactory factory) {
    return new ObjectNodeBuilder(factory);

   * Factory methods for an {@link ArrayNode} builder.

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array() {
    return array(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array(@NonNull boolean... values) {
    return array().with(values);

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array(@NonNull int... values) {
    return array().with(values);

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array(@NonNull String... values) {
    return array().with(values);

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array(@NonNull JsonNodeBuilder<?>... builders) {
    return array().with(builders);

  public static ArrayNodeBuilder array(JsonNodeFactory factory) {
    return new ArrayNodeBuilder(factory);

  public interface JsonNodeBuilder<T extends JsonNode> {

     * Construct and return the {@link JsonNode} instance.
    T end();


  private static abstract class AbstractNodeBuilder<T extends JsonNode> implements JsonNodeBuilder<T> {

     * The source of values.
    protected final JsonNodeFactory factory;

     * The value under construction.
    protected final T node;

     * Returns a valid JSON string, so long as {@code POJONode}s not used.
    public String toString() {
      return node.toString();


  public final static class ObjectNodeBuilder extends AbstractNodeBuilder<ObjectNode> {

    private ObjectNodeBuilder(JsonNodeFactory factory) {
      super(factory, factory.objectNode());

    public ObjectNodeBuilder withNull(@NonNull String field) {
      return with(field, factory.nullNode());

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, int value) {
      return with(field, factory.numberNode(value));

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, float value) {
      return with(field, factory.numberNode(value));

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, boolean value) {
      return with(field, factory.booleanNode(value));

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, String value) {
      return with(field, factory.textNode(value));

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, JsonNode value) {
      node.set(field, value);
      return this;

    public ObjectNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String field, @NonNull JsonNodeBuilder<?> builder) {
      return with(field, builder.end());

    public ObjectNodeBuilder withPOJO(@NonNull String field, @NonNull Object pojo) {
      return with(field, factory.pojoNode(pojo));

    public ObjectNode end() {
      return node;


  public final static class ArrayNodeBuilder extends AbstractNodeBuilder<ArrayNode> {

    private ArrayNodeBuilder(JsonNodeFactory factory) {
      super(factory, factory.arrayNode());

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(boolean value) {
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull boolean... values) {
      for (val value : values)
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(int value) {
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull int... values) {
      for (val value : values)
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(float value) {
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(String value) {
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull String... values) {
      for (val value : values)
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull Iterable<String> values) {
      for (val value : values)
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(JsonNode value) {
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull JsonNode... values) {
      for (val value : values)
      return this;

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(JsonNodeBuilder<?> value) {
      return with(value.end());

    public ArrayNodeBuilder with(@NonNull JsonNodeBuilder<?>... builders) {
      for (val builder : builders)
      return this;

    public ArrayNode end() {
      return node;



请注意,执行工作使用Lombok,但你可以轻松地将斜gar填在Java boilerplate中。

String json = new JsonBuilder(new GsonAdapter())
  .object("key1", "value1")
  .object("key2", "value2")
    .object("innerKey1", "value3")

如果您认为上述解决办法是可取的,请在我JsonBuilder lib上尝试。 它的设立是为了为许多类型的Json图书馆建造json设施。 目前的执行情况包括Gson、Jackson和Mongo。 DB. 例如。 Jackson Just swap:

String json = new JsonBuilder(new JacksonAdapter()).


参比执行包括一个流界面。 查阅JSONWriter及其至String-implementing subclass

我来到这里是为了寻找一种极好的方法,与一流的json建筑商一道撰写休息端点测试。 在我的案件中,我利用JSONO来建造一个专门的建筑商。 它需要一种仪器,但使用确实是冰:

import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class MemberJson extends JSONObject {

    public static MemberJson builder() {
        return new MemberJson();

    public MemberJson name(String name) {
        put("name", name);
        return this;


我正在利用org.json按要求创建json。 我的问话是,我有一个基本的 j子,但在把它寄给我的普森之前,我需要把它总结为一个包罗万象的内容。


Suppose below is the content of base-request.json file

  "occupation":"software engineer"

String baseRequest = Files.readString(Paths.get("./src/test/resources", "base-request.json"));
    JSONObject baseJsonObject = new JSONObject(baseRequest);
    JSONObject wrappedJsonObject = new JSONObject().put("employee", baseJsonObject);

现在,总结 JsonObject被送至我的文稿,该文希望以书面形式提出要求。

  "employee": {
    "occupation":"software engineer"

下面是测试法,ReAssured AP将Json传给我。

RequestSpecification request = given()
    response = request.post(new URL(HTTP, host, port, endPoint));

这比你想写自己的话容易得多,只是使用一个界面,用于<条码>JsonElement Interface,使用一种方法string toJson(),以及执行该接口的抽象类别<条码>。

then all you have to do is have a class for JSONProperty that implements the interface, and JSONValue(any token), JSONArray ([...]), and JSONObject ({...}) that extend the abstract class

JSONObject has a list of JSONProperty s
JSONArray has a list of AbstractJsonElement s


现在,如果你不喜欢你,那就只能 t弄。

The benifit of the inteface and the summary category is that JSONArray可接受特性,但JSONProperty可接受物体或阵列。

. Underscore-java Library has json Buildinger.

import com.github.underscore.U;

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String json = U.objectBuilder()
    .add("key1", "value1")
    .add("key2", "value2")
    .add("key3", U.objectBuilder()
      .add("innerKey1", "value3"))

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "key3": {
    "innerKey1": "value3"

You can use one of Java template engines. I love this method because you are separating your logic from the view.

Java 8+:


Java 6/7:



Name: {{name}}
Price: {{price}}
  Feature: {{description}}


public class Context {
  List<Item> items() {
    return Arrays.asList(
      new Item("Item 1", "$19.99", Arrays.asList(new Feature("New!"), new Feature("Awesome!"))),
      new Item("Item 2", "$29.99", Arrays.asList(new Feature("Old."), new Feature("Ugly.")))

  static class Item {
    Item(String name, String price, List<Feature> features) {
      this.name = name;
      this.price = price;
      this.features = features;
    String name, price;
    List<Feature> features;

  static class Feature {
    Feature(String description) {
       this.description = description;
    String description;


Name: Item 1
Price: $19.99
  Feature: New!
  Feature: Awesome!
Name: Item 2
Price: $29.99
  Feature: Old.
  Feature: Ugly.

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