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如何在不执行《 the》或《圣经》的情况下装载?
原标题:What are the ways to load JavaScript or CSS without executing them?

I m了解通过添加<条码>和带的有活力的文字/剪辑;风格和“;或<link>贴在网页上或厅,但一旦下载,将由浏览器执行。 我正在考虑其他下载方式,但没有执行javascript/cs代码。 首先,我想到的是XMLHttpRequest:

//simple execution received script
var executeScript = function(code){
//create XMLHttpRequest in cross-browser manner
var xhr = createXMLHTTPObject();
//check whether file is loaded
var checkStatus = function(){
    if(xhr.readyState  == 4){
        if(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr == 304){
        else {//error
//do request
xhr.open( get , http://podlipensky.com/examples/dynamicscript/hey.js , true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = checkStatus;

但是,在这种情况下,由于Same Origin政策,我们只用同一领域的文字加以限制(不过我们可以尝试用.CORS)。

另一种做法是,在网页上添加动态的<条码>iframe,然后在<条码>上添加<条码>>>>>> 符号<>>>>,这样,文字在下载后即予以执行,但在另一页(<条码>>iframe上。

Are there any other ways to download and not execute the script?




You can also use an iframe and use the script/css URL as the src of the frame (so it isn t evaluated/applied at all), although you d want to be sure in that case that the JavaScript/CSS was delivered with Content-Type text/plain to avoid unfortunate things happening with < characters and such. Although you should run into SOP issues with this approach as well, on a decent browser, if the iframe src is from a different origin.



仅举出另外一种选择,即使用<代码><object> tag:

<object data="http://podlipensky.com/examples/dynamicscript/hey.js" />

http://www.phpied.com/preload-csjavascript- Without-execution/“rel=”nofollow” 。 因此,我只与大家分享我的调查结果,希望这样做将是有益的。

If your script simplty defines a function then it can be executed without actually running anything. Of course, this would require collaboration from both sides ala JSONP

var result = {/*...*/};

var f = function(){ /**/ };


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