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PHP过滤器_has_var v. food?
原标题:PHP filter_has_var vs empty?
  • 时间:2012-01-12 22:14:03
  •  标签:
  • php
  • isset

i 知道空洞的速率在当时正在下降,但过滤器_has_var的速率(在所写的网址上)如此之快的空洞或过滤器_has_var?


<http://php.net/filter_has_var” rel=“noreferer”>filter_has_var( 如果出于某种原因对超级全球化进行净化,则可能有用,因为超级全球对原始投入数据进行核对,而不是从_GET、_POST、_ETC美元购买。


$_GET["injected"] = 123;

var_dump( filter_has_var(INPUT_GET, "injected") );   // false

// or the other way round

While you can overwrite the variable, the filter extension accesses a separate copy. And INPUT_GET will not alias to the $_GET superglobal.

Apart from that another reason is to use it for unification. If you use filter_var extensively, than a ruleset would be more fond of using filter_has_var() over isset().



filter_has_var and empty are two totally different functions that do totally different things. You would not want to swap the use of these two functions.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 简单检查了PHP超级全球化中的一个:$_GET,$_POST/code>,$_SERVER/code>,$_ENV or $_COOKIE,以确保一个变量随请求而通过。 如果var空的话,这一职能仍将是真实的。

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