English 中文(简体)
原标题:IE calls functions twice on ajaxified website

I have strange problem for which I can t think of a solution. I have written some Javascript code to load some content through a AJAX call which also does some animation. To make the website functional I use jQuery with History.js. This is the script:

(function (window, undefined) {
    getContent(true); // Function that gets the initial content via AJAX and does some animation
                      // The parameter specifies that the call to the function is onload

    History.Adapter.bind(window, statechange ,function(event){ 

    function getContent(onload){
       if(onload == true){
         // Do onload stuff. Only slightly differs from other event calls
         // If there is no state given define default one ie  home 
         alert( onload event triggered ); // For debug purposes
       } else {
         // Do other event stuff
         alert( click event triggered ); // For debug purposes

    somelinks.on( click ,a,function(){ // Setup some eventlisteners that push the state });


在支持超文本5历史/国家预报(Firefox, Chrome)的浏览器中,这一作品是徒劳的。 该职能在装载或重载特定轮胎或点击活动中发挥作用。

然而,当我重新上载一页(例如,com/p/test)以及第二台老板(Content)(功能)时,它也发挥了作用(有汇合机)。 因此,在“第纳尔多”中,重载触发了上载事件的警示,但在电子计算机中,触发了上载事件和点击事件的警示。

我需要的是阻碍我制定守则或进行合乎逻辑的检查,以防止独立实体打电话给第二人。 我探讨了类似的问题(关键词:IE、历史、js等),但没有发现。


(function (window, undefined) {

    var getContentOK = true;


    History.Adapter.bind(window, statechange ,function(event){

    function getContent(onload){
       if (getContentOK === true) {

           if(onload == true){
               // Do onload stuff. Only slightly differs from other event calls
               // If there is no state given define default one ie  home 
               alert( onload event triggered ); // For debug purposes
           } else {
               // Do other event stuff
               alert( click event triggered ); // For debug purposes

           getContentOK = false;
           setTimeout(function () {
               getContentOK = true;
           }, 500);

    somelinks.on( click ,a,function(){ // Setup some eventlisteners that push the state });



通知中,我添加了一些蓝色旗帜,一到ttle,<条码>Statechange eventhandler and one to mimic Youcode>onload changing. firstRun,第一行将输出<条码>true,后一行false

这不是一个很好的解决办法,因为它将“ plugin”号编码发生的情况混为一谈,但我没有这方面的经验,因此我无法说,为什么EE正在发射两场事件。



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