English 中文(简体)
原标题:Calling a Method using a string in another class that has already been instantiated
  • 时间:2012-01-12 22:08:22
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • winforms

我面临的问题是,我要从扼杀中提一个方法。 在这方面,我正在做些什么:


private List<string> MyTest = new List<string>();
private void AddSelectedMethods()
        foreach(XName item in BaseTestList.CheckedItems)
        foreach (XName item in AdminTestList.CheckedItems)
        foreach (XName item in SubscriberTestList.CheckedItems)

这里是骑士。 如果我接受“反思”的号召,并直接提及这种方法,但我不想打造一个巨大的清单,列出其他发言。

    private void StartSiteTest(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        if (!BackWorker1.CancellationPending)
            if (SiteToTest == "estatesales.vintagesoftware.local" || SiteToTest == "localhost")
                es = new EstateSaleTests(site, Sites.First(i => i.SiteUrl == SiteToTest), BasePath, SiteToTest, UseCurrentCompanies);
                foreach (string test in MyTests)

                    // <<<!!!!!!!!  ------ The next line returns null ------ !!!!!!!>>>
                    MethodInfo thisMethod = es.GetType().GetMethod(test);

                    thisMethod.Invoke(es, null);


! EDIT——!

页: 1 我把这几类人列入地狱名单,但我不得不改称我的方法。 这种方法是公开的,我刚刚必须将其重新命名为正确的名称。


The call you use seems pretty acceptable, imo. The thing is that GetType().GetMethod() is able to recover only public methods.

See this MSDN link.

为了与不同的变体接触,使用GetMethod(string, BledFlags)超载。




有时很难用反思来找到方法。 你们目前只是寻求公共审理方法。 在通过思考找到方法时,我通常要做的是使用<条码>GetMethods(,有不同的约束旗帜,并直接检查预期的方法是否存在。

请注意,在你指定具有约束力的旗帜时,请must 并注明: 旗帜。 InvokeMethod « BledFlags.Instance。 此外,考虑如下:

  • If the method is an instance method, use BindingFlags.Static
  • If you don t know whether you have the caption right ("CalcRoot" is different than "calcRoot") than use BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
  • If you think the method is protected, internal, private or protected internal, use BindingFlags.NonPublic
  • If you are not sure whether you use a derived type, use BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
  • If you are uncertain whether what you are looking for is a property, field or method, use GetMembers instead.

You can combine all flags with | to search for everything. With a little bit trial and error you ll eventually find the set of binding params that you need.

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