English 中文(简体)
原标题:how to read a text file in java and set up some criteria
  • 时间:2012-01-16 07:06:24
  •  标签:
  • java


here is my Notepad File :

   #studentId   studentkey  yearLevel   studentName token   
   358314           432731243   12          Adrian      Afg56       
   358297           432730131   12          Armstrong   YUY89       
   358341           432737489   12          Atkins      JK671   

        #teacherId  teacherkey    yearLevel teacherName token   
        358314          432731243   12          Adrian      N7ACD       
        358297          432730131   12          Armstrong   EY2C        
        358341          432737489   12          Atkins      F4NGH


      output should be like "the token JK671 belongs to Student "..

how could i achieve this ? thanks



If the codes are unique identifiers, and your program must search by code, then you should creta e a Map<String, Teacher> and an Map<String, Student>, where the keys of the maps are the teacher/student codes, and use the map s containsKey method to know if such a teacher or student code exists. This will lean to O(1) searches rather than O(n).


你们要么把所有东西都存放在一个 d子里,要么拥有教师和学生的班子,继承一个共同的超级阶级,在钥匙是你们的象征的地方,其价值就是教师/学生。

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