English 中文(简体)
B. 在地方篮子功能变量中设定一个字母的环境变量
原标题:Setting environment variables for a script in a local bash function variable

我有“灯塔”功能,可操作一种与习俗环境变量相平的文字。 我想避免出口现金中的相关变量,而只是把这些变量作为执行指挥的一部分放在文字上。

If I set the variables directly in the command -- e.g., VARNAME=VARVAL script_name -- it works well. However, since I want to set multiple variables, based on different conditions, I want to use a local function variable to store the environment variable settings, and then use this variable in the script execution command. I have a local "vars" variable that is ultimately set, e.g., to VARNAME=VAR, but if I try to run ${vars} script_name from my bash function, I get a "command not found" error for the $vars variable assignment -- i.e., the content of $vars is interpreted as a command instead of as environment variables assignment.

I tried different variations of the command syntax, but so far to no avail. Currently I have to export the relevant variables in the function, before calling the script, and then unset/reset them to the previous values, but this is not really the solution I was hoping for.


Thanks, Sharon



eval ${vars} script_Name

However, since I want to set multiple variables, based on different conditions, I want to use a local function variable to store the environment variable settings, and then use this variable in the script execution command.

你们不需要将变量储存在一个单独的变量中。 你们可以为指挥分配一个以上变量:

$ cat test.sh 
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$foo"
echo "$bar"
$ foo=abc bar=def ./test.sh 


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