English 中文(简体)
• 如何显示当前信息库
原标题:How to display the current info base on date




段 次 页 次

empno lastname firstname
111 james lebron
222 bryant kobe
333 jordan michael
444 curry stephen


company empno effdate job salary
lakers 111 04/16/15 assistant 1500.00
lakers 111 02/02/16 coach 4000.00
lakers 222 07/22/17 analyst 3000.00
bulls 333 04/12/17 secretary 5000.00
bulls 333 07/28/18 manager 5000.00
warriors 444 10/04/19 chef 2000.00

我在生效日期(有效日期)上使用了“彩虹”来获得目前最高水平的工作和工资。 但它显示了过去的工作和工资。

SELECT z.company, em.empno, em.lastname, em.firstname, z.job, z.salary
FROM emp em
JOIN ( SELECT dj.company, dj.empno, dj.effdate, dj.job, dj.salary
    FROM dept_job dj
    JOIN (SELECT company, empno, MAX(effdate) AS maxefffdate
        FROM dept_job
        GROUP BY company, empno) pe
    ON dj.empno = pc.empno AND dj.effdate = pe.maxeffdate) z
ON em.empno = z.empno
ORDER BY company, empno;


company empno lastname firstname job salary
lakers 111 james lebron assistant 1500.00
lakers 111 james lebron coach 4000.00
lakers 222 bryant kobe analyst 3000.00
bulls 333 jordan michael secretary 5000.00
bulls 333 jordan michael manager 5000.00
warriors 444 curry stephen chef 2000.00


company empno lastname firstname job salary
lakers 111 james lebron coach 4000.00
lakers 222 bryant kobe analyst 3000.00
bulls 333 jordan michael manager 5000.00
warriors 444 curry stephen chef 2000.00
SELECT dj.company
FROM emp em
JOIN dept_job dj ON em.empno = dj.empno
    SELECT empno
        ,MAX(effdate) AS maxefffdate
    FROM dept_job
    GROUP BY empno
    ) z
ON dj.empno = z.empno
    AND dj.effdate = z.maxefffdate
ORDER BY company
SELECT z.company, em.empno, em.lastname, em.firstname, z.job, z.salary
FROM emp em
    SELECT dj.company, dj.empno,
        MAX(dj.effdate) OVER (
            PARTITION BY dj.company, dj.empno, dj.job, dj.salary
            ) AS maxeffdate,
        dj.job, dj.salary
    FROM dept_job dj ) z
ON em.empno = z.empno
ORDER BY company, empno;


SELECT dj.company, e.empno, e.lastname, e.firstname, dj.job
FROM emp e
JOIN dept_job dj ON e.empno = dj.empno
WHERE dj.effdate = (
  SELECT MAX(effdate)
  FROM dept_job
  WHERE empno = e.empno
ORDER BY e.empno;

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