English 中文(简体)
AWS支持ALB Listener的多个目标群体
原标题:AWS support multiple Target Groups per ALB Listener



listener=$(aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn $lb_arn --protocol HTTP --port $http_external_port --default-actions  [{"Type": "forward", "Order": 1, "ForwardConfig": {"TargetGroups": [{"TargetGroupArn": "HARDCODED_FIRST_TG_ARN", "Weight": 50}, {"TargetGroupArn": "HARDCODED_SECOND_TG_ARN", "Weight": 50}]}}] )


first_tg_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-target-groups --names $first_tg_name --query "TargetGroups[*][TargetGroupArn]" --output text)
second_tg_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-target-groups --names $second_tg_name --query "TargetGroups[*][TargetGroupArn]" --output text)

listener=$(aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn $lb_arn --protocol HTTP --port $http_external_port --default-actions  [{"Type": "forward", "Order": 1, "ForwardConfig": {"TargetGroups": [{"TargetGroupArn": "${first_tg_arn}", "Weight": 50}, {"TargetGroupArn": "${second_tg_arn}", "Weight": 50}]}}] )

An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateListener operation: ${first_tg_arn} is not a valid target group ARN

Above attached both ways running the command (with hardcoded ARNs and using the ARNs variables). enter image description here

问题是什么? 谢谢。


Your issue is about Linux variable expansion, not exactly about AWS CLI usage.
On your command that is failing you are using single quote , which will not expand variables to its value.
To expand variables you need to use double quote " or no quote at all, as you did in your second example.


aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn <alb arn> --protocol HTTPS --port 443 --certificates CertificateArn=value --default-actions  Type=forward,ForwardConfig={TargetGroups=[{TargetGroupArn=value,Weight=1},{TargetGroupArn=value,Weight=1},{TargetGroupArn=value,Weight=1}]} 

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